Chapter 19: 12:51

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(A/N: Warning! This chapter will contain mild smut. Nothing extremely graphic, but if you are uncomfortable, please skip this chapter.)

Julian springs up from the couch, almost stunned by my request. I slowly get up and make sure he is okay.

"Are you alright there?" I calmly ask.

"Soph," he softly speaks while caressing my cheeks. "You understand what you're saying, right? This is a huge step for you. For our relationship. Are you sure you want to do this?" I can see a small, concerned expression on his face.

"Jules," I smile back. "From the very beginning, I have always felt safe and loved by you. You care about me and give me nothing but happiness. I want more. I want to feel something deeper with you."

"I just don't want you to do anything that you might regr-" he starts, with a caring tone, but I shush him right there and place my finger on his lips.

"Julian... I have thought about this before, believe me. I want to do this with you."

"But if we do this... we need to be extremely careful; this is illegal," he cautions.

"I know, but who knows when I'll be able to see you again? I can't keep sneaking out; I feel like my parents are already getting suspicious of me. This might be our only chance to show how much we love each other."

I bring my head closer to his and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Sophie-" he whispers.

"Please," I whisper back. "I want to know what I mean to you."

His lips form a warm smile as he brushes his thumb over my cheek and softly whispers "okay". I take his hand and we begin walking towards the wall connecting to his bedroom.

He softly pushes me against the wall as we close our eyes and kiss passionately. I wrap my hands around his neck as I give a deep breath. It starts out small but slowly gets more intense. I feel his tongue graze across my bottom lip, asking for access, so I open my mouth slightly and let him explore; I enjoy his sweet taste. He keeps his hands around my waist as he kisses me deeply, soon going down to my jawline and around my neck. Our breathing gets heavier and heartbeats quicken.

He unzips my dress as he smooches my neck one last time before disconnecting. I slide it off and let it fall to the floor. We take off our shoes and throw them in random directions. I kiss him again while unbuttoning his shirt, feeling his warm skin. I move my hands all over his body as we both smile. He kisses me once more before stepping back, taking off his shirt, dropping it to the ground, and opening his bedroom door, leading me inside. I lock the door before going back to kissing him. The room is dark, but we can still see each other's faces. Julian glances over at his alarm clock, so I look with him:

12:51 AM.

He smiles as he turns his head back to me. "I'll keep that in my mind."

"Why?" I ask, curious.

"Just kiss me," he says in a seductive tone.

I give a small chuckle and continue to kiss him. I run my fingers through his velvety, dark hair, and gradually go down to the nape of his neck. I can feel our bodies getting hotter.

"Jump-" he mumbles.

I jump, wrapping my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed and sets me down. I switch his bedside lamp on so that we can see each other better. I take off my spandex shorts as he opens up the bedsheets and covers the two of us inside it. I giggle as I see his gorgeous face in combination with the perfect amount of lighting from his lamp. His smooth, soft skin and his glistening eyes draw me towards him.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now