Chapter 30 - Part 1: I Love You More Than Being Seventeen

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Flash Forward - August 19th, 2003 - Sophie's 17th Birthday

Sophie's POV:

The sun shines through my windows and casts down on my face. I get out of my bed with a smile; today I'm celebrating a new me. The day is bright with a lovely temperature outside. That itself is good enough to keep me in a cheery mood for the whole day.

My parents knock on my door before coming into my room. I rub my eyes as I sit on the edge of the bed as they both smile at me and give me a hug.

"Happy birthday, mon ange," Dad and Mom both smile.

Both of them give me a peck on the forehead.

"Thanks, Mom, thanks, Dad."

"Did you sleep well?" Mom asks.

"Yes. You both?"

"Yes, thanks for asking," Mom smiles happily.

Suddenly, my phone rings. We all turn towards the direction the ring is coming from.

I grab my phone: It's a call from Alex.

I smile happily as I put the phone on speaker.

"Hey, sis. Happy Birthday!" Alex cheers.

"Thanks, Lex. How are you? How's dorm life?"

"It's pretty good. I wish you guys were here. We could all spend some time together."

"Yeah, I wish the same," I respond, thinking about how much of a rollercoaster my New York summer trip was. I try not to think of those thoughts too much, however, as I don't want to let sad thoughts ruin my day today.

We all continue to have a happy conversation about our lives. Once the call ends, Dad speaks up:

"Alright, Sophie. We have got something special planned for you today, so go on and get ready."

Instantly curious, I get ready as quickly as possible.


Mom and Dad give me a card and some wonderful birthday gifts (a new dress and a portable CD player with earplugs, respectively) before we all sit at the dining table for breakfast.

As we are all eating, the doorbell rings.

"Sophie, will you go and get that, dear?" Mom asks.

"No problem," I smile back as I head outside.

Right when I open the front door, I see a mailman jog back to his truck and drive away. There is a package left on the doorstep about the size of a briefcase (but a little smaller and deeper). It's decorated with some colored floral wrapping paper and a giant stick-on bow. 

Immediately intrigued, I take a look at the return address in the left-hand corner of the box. My eyes and mouth go wide in surprise as I recognize that address immediately.

Julian sent me a birthday package.

"Jules..." I whisper, my lips immediately forming a smile.

I can't believe he remembered... he actually sent me a gift.

I am eager to see what's inside. I immediately run back inside and into the kitchen to get a pair of scissors. My parents lean forward a little as I get rid of the wrapping paper, being careful to not rip it.

"Wow, you got a birthday package! Who is it from?" Mom asks.

"It's from Jules!" I say, excitedly.

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now