Chapter 16: I'll Take You Shopping

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(A/N: These next four chapters will involve dates. They won't be exact to an actual 2003 calendar, but it's just for the story lol.)

The next day: Tuesday, June 20th

Julian's POV:

I wake up at around 7:45 AM, and I already start smiling. My thoughts are all centered on Sophie and our date tomorrow.

As excited as I am about the date, I need to make sure that she enjoys every moment of it. It's not just our first date; it's her first date. I want to make her feel happy and special.

I decide to run to Swarovski in Times Square to see what I can find. I quickly get ready and take a taxi to the shop.

I soon enter the store and scan the area. There are dozens of items, from individual pieces to sets, all decoratively kept and organized in glass display cases.

I walk up to the cashier, an elderly woman who seems very bright and joyful.

"Hello, dear. Is there anything I can help you with?" she asks me.

"Well, I'm going on a date tomorrow, and I want to surprise my girlfriend with a gift. I'm looking for something simple yet elegant."

"That's wonderful. We have a whole section of sets that fits what you are looking for," she says as she politely gestures me towards a display table. "Pick out what you like."

"Thank you much," I smile back at her before turning towards the table and looking through the different sets. After some searching, my eyes catch exactly what I'm looking for. It's really beautiful; simple, yet elegant.

 It's really beautiful; simple, yet elegant

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I make my decision and buy the set. She places it in a navy blue box with a black velvet lining on the inside. I smile and give her a "thank you" before leaving the store.

I hope Sophie likes the gift...

Sophie's POV: Same day

Today's a wonderful sunny day, and I ask my mom if we can go shopping in the afternoon. She agrees and we go to Macy's in Times Square. I've been there once before, with Julian, but that was only for a short while, and I didn't really get to see all of the things they had there.

I pick out some general t-shirts and some fancier tops and pants. Then I think: 'Maybe I can find a nice dress for my date.'

As I look through a rack of dresses, one catches my eye; it is a beautiful blue color with a lace flower print for the top, a flowy bottom, and a stitched satin ribbon with some glass-like stones fixed on there around the center.

 I immediately pick it up and look at the price tag

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I immediately pick it up and look at the price tag. Thank goodness it was on sale: from $80 to $25.

I run quickly to the fitting room without telling my mom. She quickly follows me after seeing me run.

"Sophie, where are you going? Why are you running so fast?"

"I'm going to the fitting room to try on this dress!" I reply, excitedly.

After I find a room, I quickly change. As I slip the dress on, I can hear my mom walking inside the fitting room area, trying to find me.

"I'm here!" I say a little loudly as I wave my hand above the door to help my mom out.

I open the door and see my mom standing outside. She smiles in astonishment as she sees how happy I am in the dress.

"Oh, darling you look beautiful!" she smiles. "How much is it?"

"It's on sale, so the price is $25."

"That's a pretty good deal. I can see how much you love this dress, so I will buy it for you."

"Thank you so much, Mom!" I grin widely as I hug her.

After looking through some things for Mom, we pay for our items and return back to our hotel room. 

"Seems like you both enjoyed your shopping!" Dad comments as he sees me carrying a giant plastic Macy's bag.

"We sure did!" I grin. "We picked out some good stuff."

"I'm glad you both had fun."

I think to myself:

'I sure had fun today, but it's tomorrow that I'm really excited for.'

Title Credit: 4 Chords of the Apocalypse - Julian Casablancas (Album: Phrazes for the Young)

(A/N: Yeah, so this was kind of a filler. But like I said before, it only gets better and more interesting from here. I started writing the next six chapters ahead of time, which is also partly the reason that publishing some of the former chapters took a while. But yeah, can't wait to publish the next 6 chapters!)

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now