Chapter 13: Meet Me In The Bathroom

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(A/N: The picture above is Sophie's outfit of choice for the day. Just something random from the internet lol.)

Sophie's POV:

I wake up to Alex violently shaking me.

"Soph. Sophie! Get up!"

I groan as I rub my eyes and push Alex's hands away from my shoulders.

"It's 7:00 in the morning! We're on a vacation; don't wake me up like this," I mumble as I glance at the alarm clock on the table.

"Sleepyhead, our parents are already up and starting to get ready."

"Let them get ready! That doesn't stop me from sleeping," I groan in a louder tone, trying to push Alex off the bed.

He comes close and whispers to me, "Did you forget what's happening today? I thought you're going to meet up with your boyfriend."

I spring up immediately, my eyes wide awake. Great aim as well, because when I get up my head hits Alex's nose.

I pull Alex close to me as I glance at our parents before looking back at him and aggressively whispering, "Will you shut up? They'll hear you!"

"Now you finally decide to wake up?" he asks, rubbing his nose, slightly annoyed.

"Morning, Sophie," I hear my parents say from the bathroom.

"Morning," I reply to them as Alex and I hop out of the bed.

I pull Alex to the far corner of the hotel room so our parents can't see us.

I whisper to him, "Thanks for waking me up with that."

"You needed it. And thanks for hitting me in the nose."

"You didn't deserve it. I'm sorry about that."

"Why did you pull me over here?"

"Because I need to ask you: do you remember our plan from last night?"

"Of course."

"Okay, well we have to make sure it executes correctly, otherwise Mom and Dad will find out. I don't want them finding out about Jules and me that way."

"Don't worry. I've got your back." 

He pats me on the shoulder as we smile at each other.


We all finish getting ready and head on over to the breakfast lounge somewhere around 8 o'clock.

I enjoy seeing (and eating some of) the colorful arrangement of fruit that was in one part of the lounge. Alex and I both get some fruit and a bagel with cream cheese.

The two of us quickly finish our breakfast before our parents could even consume half of their plates.

"Hungry, were you both?" Mom teases.

"Yeah, sorry. But I wanted to ask you both something," I reply.

"Go on."

Left and Right in the Dark - A Julian Casablancas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now