Chapter Twenty Four - And they all hate Alex and John

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Third Person POV

John went almost instantly after Peggy. He managed to find her crying on a bench in the school courtyard. Why did John cheat? Well he didn't really know how to answer that question. Peggy and John started fighting imminently. At one point, Peggy stated, "It's not my fault you're a lying little cheat!" To which John responded, "It's not my fault you're a scaredy - cat freak!"

John instantly regretting saying that, for Peggy ran away for the 2nd time that day. Mean while, Alex went after Eliza. She simply went into her room and started deleting texts between them, she even deleted his number from her phone. "Eliza! It was a mistake, I won't-" She slapped Alex before he could finish. "Shut up." She said flatly and left. Where did she go? Nobody knows. Alex just ran out the door looking for her.

Angelica was feeling horrible. She wanted to go after her sisters, but which one? Peggy would be a crazy wreck but she understood what it felt like to be Eliza. Angie's heart had been broken as well. She felt...jealous. She hated herself for feeling that way, but she still wondered why Alex chose John over her. Sighing, Angelica stayed with the rest of the dorm mates.

Hercules's POV

I couldn't believe it. I had adopted Peggy and Eliza as my little sisters and my best friends just cheated on them with each other. All four ran out before I could say anything. Angelica just stayed put, not knowing which sister to go after. I slumped against the couch next to her.

"Hey." She mumbled. "Hey." I mumbled back. We were never that close, despite sharing a dorm. I just felt distant from her. Lafayette sits down next to us. "So...Alex and John did that." He states. Suddenly, I ask a question. I knew everyone was thinking it.

"So are Alex and John dating now, or what?" Angelica glares at me while Lafayette holds in a laugh. "What! We were all thinking it!" I grumble, a little angry. "They better not. They learned their lesson and I will - will...well, I'll do something if they start dating." Angelica crosses her arms over her chest.

"I don't see why they wouldn't. I mean, they cheated with each other, why not make it worth it?" Lafayette smiles. Angie hits him with a pillow. "Stop smiling! This is not a smiling situation!" I roll my eyes. "Calm down. When John and Alex get back we can all kill them." Angie nods in agreement. Perfect timing, John and Alex enter the dorm. Boy, they're in for a treat.

*Little notice: I might not update tomorrow because christmas and all that, but I might. I won't update for the entirety of next week, though, so next update will probably be next Monday. :) Merry Christmas and goodbye!

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