Chapter Twenty Three - Maria walks in on something

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Maria's POV (again) (one week later)

I smile, holding my bags and entering my dorm. Coming back home. The second I enter, Peggy hugs me while Eliza laughs. "We're all glad you're back, Marie!" So Eliza decided to use the nickname too, eh? I laugh along with the gang. My family is back.

Something's off. I focus towards Eliza, who's blabbering away to Alex. He seems focused on something else though. "Huh? What? Yeah sure...sure, excuse me." He mumbles waving off Eliza. He enters his room. Peggy smiles at me and hugs me again. "I was so worried."

"When are you not worried?" I joke, prying her off my waist. "Never..." She sniffs. "Aww, Peggles, I was just kidding." I rustle her hair. The door opens and closes to Peggy, Alex, and John's room, but no one comes out. Someone came in. I didn't catch who.

"Hah, just a sec guys." I smile warily, walking away from the group. Who the heck is in Alex's room? And why hasn't he come out yet? I put my hand on the door very slowly. I open in quietly and close it with out a sound. There's sound in the room. I flick on the lights and scream.

Peggy's POV

I hear Maria scream, dropping my cup of punch. Quickly, me and the gang run to the sound. It's behind my room. Oh it my fault? Are my clothes that ugly? Are my bedsheets that bad? Before I can worry more, Eliza swings open the door. I shut my eyes.

She screams herself. Ok, I can't contain it any longer. I open my eyes and scream. Oh nononono....oh god no, please let this be a dream. I pinch myself. It's not a dream. Its Alex and John - my John - in bed. Clearly, they had been doing...doing...bad things.

"How - what - why..." Eliza stammers, tears running down her face. I feel tears run down my own face, but I don't say anything. I feel sick, like I'm going to throw up. I wasn't good enough for him...I wasn't good enough for love. I cover my mouth. "Eliza - Peggy, wait!" John and Alex ay in unison. I don't care what Eliza's going to do, I'm outta here. I run out the door crying.

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