Chapter Twenty Eight - Take Me Back

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Lafayette's POV

OK, no point in lying. Me and Herc followed Peggy and (ugh) John when they left the lunch table. Herc wanted to make sure Peggy didn't get back together with that lying cheat and I just wanted some new drama. Call me terrible, but life has been pretty boring ever since the whole break - up thing. All anyone ever says anymore is "Shut up" or "Leave me alone."

We managed to catch a bit of the conversation before we entered the empty classroom they went inside. "You did what?" John gasped at the same time Peggy whispered, "Where did she go?" Apparently, Angelica left after Alex tried to date her. That guy has a problem. Like, a real, serious problem. 

Peggy starts physically shaking. "Answer me. Where did she go?" Peggy asked, trying to remain calm. I grabbed Herc's hand, "Drama..." I whispered happily. He makes a point to step on my foot. "Alex -" She begins again, her voice rising. "I don't know!" He shouts at her. I see both of them freeze. "I - Peggy -" Alex begins but she runs off. She hates being yelled at.

Maria's POV

I walked in silence next to Eliza as school ended. Eliza ate everything on her plate and was heading to the bathroom, saying she left a headband or something in there. I know she didn't. But nothing ever stops her. So I tried helping in my own way. Every time she would lock her self in a stall and start...losing her food, I would start talking.

"It's all going to be fine. You are perfect. You can stop this, you can save yourself, just not right now. You're in a dark place, I know, I understand, but you can't let yourself go." I speak slowly and clearly on the other side of the stall. I hear sniffling, like she's crying. "Eliza." I begin again, but the door opens. 

"It - but it's hard!" Eliza stammers, before collapsing on the floor crying. Oh god. I awkwardly sit down next to her as she spills her guts. "I want to hold on, I want to stop! I hate looking down at myself and crying, then feeling even worse when I eat something and nothing ever works! I try everything and yet I'm here, crying in a bathroom with my room mate..."

I grab her hand. She looks up at me in surprise, and I squeeze it tighter. "Eliza. You are the strongest person I know. You can hold on and you will. And if you let go, or even start slipping off, I will be there. And I will catch you and pull you up. I will help you, but I can't if you don't let me." I turn to face her and stare her right in the eyes. "So let me help you."

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