Chapter Nineteen - Jeggy saves the day!

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Peggy's POV

Some how, I managed to convince John not to ruin Eliza and Alex's relationship during theatre. But alas, it didn't help how sad and angry John looked during the picnic after practice. The entire time I sat nervously on the blanket, trying to avoid everyone's gazes. I never noticed how much people look at other people when they walk by until now.

After about the 25th angry sigh from John as Eliza and Alex kiss I leave the group. Not too far away, mind you, but far enough so I don't have to be tortured by how much John loves Alex. And how much he doesn't love me. I slump against a tree when suddenly I hear a voice. "Hey Pegs." Oh shoot. "S - Stephan?" I ask shakily. He steps into the light.

Stephan was my old boyfriend, though he wasn't a good one. He wasn't abusive, no, just about as bad as Eliza's thing with Charles. "Leave me alone!" I shout backing away. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I can't do that." He smiles. I feel tears well up in my eyes. The group can't hear me. What if they never come help me, what if I have to date Stephan again what if - Stephan moves closer and grabs me by the waist. I scream.

Angelica's POV

I hear Peggy scream. Quickly, I turn towards the noise and see a horrible sight. Stephan, Peggy's ex - boyfriend is grabbing her by the waist. John is even quicker than I am, running over to help. Eliza and Alex pull up next to me as we watch the scene unfold.

"Hey, stop it!" John yells. Stephan lets go of Peggy and punches John in the gut. Oh no. But then something un - expected happens. Peggy moves forward and punches Stephan. Then she starts shaking, obviously regretting it. Well it worked, 'cause Stephan ran off screaming, "You crazy b!tch!" The group moves forward as Peggy helps John up and then he helps her calm down.

They're talking, but I can't hear them. Oh how I long to run up there and talk to my baby sister. But then - oh! OH! They kiss. A short, awkward kiss, but a kiss none the less. Eliza and me go crazy. "MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" Shouts Lafayette. Herc just smiles calmly. Alex looks surprised and kind of sad. Dude. You said you chose Eliza, now stick with her. Peggy runs off towards us, shaking. I hug her. "I - I did it..." She mumbles. Yes, Peggy, yes you did.

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