Chapter Fifteen - And they all hate Angelica again

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Hercules's POV

Everyone is gathered around the couch. We have a score to settle. I take a breath, being the peace keeper of the group. "One at a time, please. Angelica? Why are you mad?" I ask calmly. She glares at Eliza, then at Peggy, then finally at Alex before speaking.

"Alex kissed Eliza. It's not fair. She can't do that, she's gotten all the love and attention since birth, it was my turn! It was bad enough that Peggy of all people got the lead instead of me!" She complains. "Hey!" Peggy and John say in unison. Oh my gosh, they're literal 12 year olds. "And Alex, why are you mad?"

"Everyone put me in a difficult situation. I knew that a bunch of people liked me, and I didn't want to be forced to choose one. So I just decided I would date whoever made the move first, and that was Eliza. It's my decision, not Angelica's. She's being a brat." He states flatly. Angelica gasps over - dramatically. "Shhh, Angie. Eliza, why are you mad?" 

"Huh? Oh, I'm not mad. I'm just slightly annoyed that I was the only one who made the move and suddenly that makes me the bed guy." "Gosh, Eliza, you couldn't be more perfect, could you!" Angelica screams before lunging at her. 

Lafayette's POV

Hercules steps in front of Angelica. "Hey, woah, woah, woah!" He says, stopping Angelica from attacking her little sister. She just grumbles before leaving the dorm, slamming the door behind her. "Are you ok, babe?" Alex asks, checking Eliza up and down.

"I'm fine." She mumbles, a little shaken up. Hercules slumps on the couch. "Does she always do that?" He asks. And that's when Eliza spills the beans, "Sort of. She always says she's the only sister who's not problematic -" I cut her off.

"She says you guys are problematic?" I ask. Peggy nods while Eliza continues, "Yeah, all the time, no big deal. But any way, she is because I'm almost positive she has anger - management issues. She always blows up when things don't go her way." That would explain a lot.

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