Chapter Eighteen - Rehearsal

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John's POV (again)

"This is a bad idea." Peggy says as we walk to theatre. I told her about my plan to steal Alex back in theatre, but now, I don't think I will. "I know." I sigh. I don't know why I told her. No - I do know why I told her. Deep down I didn't want to do this, and I needed someone to tell me no. Someone perfect, and pretty and, John, no.!

It's Rehearsal for most of the day and after school. Every time "As Long As You're Mine" comes on I feel myself blush. Why did I have to get Fiyero? It's awkward enough having Alex glare at me every time I have to pretend I love Eliza 'cause she's Glinda. Now I have to fake - love Peggy, too? Is it fake? yes, John, you don't love her. Well...I already said no!

I flop next to Angelica as Peggy and Eliza begin to sing "What is this Feeling?" "Well. I can see why she got the part now..." Angie mumbles sadly, staring at Peggy. "Yeah, she's awesome..." Did I say that out loud? Oh no. "Uh...bathroom!" I shout before leaving. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Maria's POV

I smile back stage at Alex as he and Eliza practice a scene with Glinda and Boc. Despite them being lovers, I still wanted Alex. But I found a friend, a true friend, in Eliza. I didn't want to ruin that. She was my second friend, the first being Peggy. I wanted to keep her as my friend. But alas, my heart won't shut up about how cute Alex is.

After Rehearsal, the gang goes out to this huge field in a park. Eliza and Alex spend the whole time swooning over each other while we eat the picnic we brought. I stare at the sandwich in  front of me and push my plate away, taking a sip of water. Peggy sighs.

"At least eat half, Marie." Marie. It's a cute nickname she made up. I smile slightly and rip the sandwich in half, forcing myself to swallow. Eliza's chasing butterflies. Wait, now she's trying to talk to a ladybug - nope, she's pretending she's a baseball player. That girl is nuts. But she's perfect for Alex...I sigh. I'll never be perfect... 

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