Chapter Six - The Party

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Lafayette's POV

"I don't think this is a good idea, guys." I warn, staring at my dorm mates. Alex, John, Maria, Angelica, Eliza, and even my boyfriend, Hercules, are setting up things to throw a party. We're in some large place that Angelica rented out, apparently she's rich, and everything seems to be going fine...except I think this is a horrible idea. Throwing a party at the end of the first week? Peggy agrees with me. She stays away from all the decorations, nervously rubbing her fingers against her hands. According to Eliza, she has anxiety. And you can tell.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't do this..." Peggy whispers from her spot, her eyes darting around the room. "C'mon, Peggles! It'll be fun!" Eliza pleads. This gets a laugh from everyone except me, Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy. "Peggles?" John snorts. Peggy turns a shade of red and whispers to Eliza, "I told you not to call me that." Oh well. No stopping this party now.

Eliza's POV

This party was going to be fun, no matter what. I grab the girls as we leave into a small bathroom. "Dresses!" I squeal excitedly. Angelica smiles, Maria laughs, and Peggy groans. Angelica pulls out a salmon pink dress with a long skirt and a white ribbon around the waist. I smile, pulling out my matching one except in the color baby blue.

Maria's dress is very...revealing. It's short and red with off the the shoulder sleeves and a black ribbon around the waist. Peggy's is a simple, flowy yellow dress with no ribbons or anything fancy. And now we're ready to dominate!

I laugh as we sit down, waiting for the first guests to arrive. The flashing lights against the darkness really put the party in the mood. Peggy's still nervous, but I'm sure she'll be fine. I smile, seeing the door swing open as the first guests arrive.

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