Chapter Ten - The Musical

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1 week later - Peggy's POV (i see you typing helpless lyrics)

I nervously shake as the entire gang heads to theatre. After only the 2nd week of school, Mr. Miranda announced he was doing auditions for the musical: Wicked! It was totally awesome! I loved wicked, and I practically memorized all the lines. Now I had to decide what part.

I walk over to the sign up sheet and scroll through the characters. Eliza signed up as Glinda, John as Fiyero, Alex as Boc, and Maria as Nessarose. I was about to sign up for Elphaba, my favorite character, when I saw Angelica signed up for her too. I had no chance.

Luckily, right before I gave up, Eliza came to the rescue. She told me that I should at least try for whatever part I wanted, that I loved the musical, and all that stuff. So, with a shaky hand and a few glares from Angelica, I signed up to play Elphaba. No turning back now.

Maria's POV

I think Angelica's ranting to me. Before Peggy signed up as Elphaba, Angelica kept saying stuff like "the part was hers" "no one else signed up, just her" and all that jazz. But then Eliza some how convinced Peggy of all people to sign up for Elphaba, too. Angelica was mad.

"Now I have competition, and normally, I would ruin their lives, but it's my little sister! And she probably can't even sing the part!" Angie groans. I stare at her. "You're  being kind of rude." I mumble. She glares at me before justifying her rude comment, "I'm just worried. I'm probably a better singer than her and I just don't want her to be embarrassed." Wow.

I excused myself, not wanting to hear more of Angie's ranting. Up until now, I thought she was practically an older Eliza: Nice and Sweet. But if she can say that stuff about her sisters? Oh yeah, sisters. She also added to her ranting that, and I quote, "At least Eliza signed up for a part she can sing. I mean, barley sing. She's pretty good, don't get me wrong, but if she signed up for Elphaba, I would destroy her! I'm way better then everyone at that range." Geez. Ego much?

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