Chapter Thirteen - Unlucky

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Alex's POV

I had this nagging feeling something was off. We got our parts for the play, John some how managed to control Angie's ego, and well, Peggy, as usual, was more nervous then ever. But there was someone who kept catching my eye. Well, two people - three people, no... four. Oh shoot. Maria, Eliza, Angelica, and John. They all liked me. And I liked all of them.

It's weird, I know, but I just can't decide. Maria is beautiful and seductive, being with her would Eliza is trusting and amazing and being with her would be just awesome. Angelica's at my level of smartness and she's just great, being with her would be great as well. And John? John's John. It's almost impossible not to like him.

I felt so...unlucky. Why did everyone have to like me? Why do I have to choose? No, that's the thing...I don't. Whoever makes the move first can have the prize. There. No more pressure. I enter the dorm room and suddenly confetti is thrown in my face. What the heck?

Eliza's POV

"Surprise!" I shout, throwing rainbow confetti in Alex's face as he enters the dorm room. "What's all this?" He laughs. I feel myself blush. "We're throwing ourself's a late 'we got the parts' party. Angelica planned it." He looks surprised. I was too, honestly, seeing as she didn't get the part she wanted. Maybe John really did talk some sense into her...

The party is nice. Well, for most of us. Hercules and Lafayette are talking with John, but John keeps stealing glances at Alex. Angelica and Maria are also talking while looking at him. Peggy took a small slice of cake, forced Maria to eat some (don't no what that was about) and then went to her room to escape the noise. I sit down next to Alex holding my own slice.

He smiles at me and I blush again. He's so cute and adorable and just...No, Eliza, no. I just met him like, 2 weeks ago. I can't already be in love. Can I? "Did you know Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day? They have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats." Well dang. Guess I can be in love...

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