Chapter Four - And they all hate Burr

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Peggy's POV

I fiddle with my hands nervously. Call me too trusting, but I think I've already made good friends with all my dormies. So that's why I am very nervous since none of the boys or Maria have come back from school. Suddenly the door burst open.

Hercules and Lafayette look worried and out of breath. "What happened?" I ask, shooting up from the couch. "Alex...fight...Aaron Burr..." Lafayette pants. "What?!?" Me, Eliza, and Angelica all shout in unison. And like that, we're out the door.

Why did they have to get into a fight. I'm already nervous enough since it's the first day, I don't need this on my mind! I move my fingers around my hands the entire run there. We find Aaron and Alex both out of breath and beat - up, with Maria and John cheering Alex on. There's also a couple people rooting for Aaron Burr. I freeze in my tracks. I don't like fighting.

Alex moves for a punch. Aaron dodges, trying a kick. I just watch, frozen in fear. Punch...kick...hit...slap...where are all the teachers? They're acting like children! Finally, I decide I've had enough. "Stop that!" I yell. No one listens. Without thinking, I push Aaron away. "I said stop it!" I feel tears sting at my eyes as I continue to nervously swipe my fingers around my hand.

John's POV

Peggy screamed to stop fighting. She pushed Aaron out of the way. She seemed really nervous. She keeps fiddling with her fingers. I can tell she's on the verge of tears. "Hey...maybe we should listen to her?" I suggest quietly, getting only a glare from Alex. "Shut up, Peggy! Why do you have to butt in now? Your the same nervous wreck you were back in high school." Aaron mumbles. 

So they know each other? Angelica seemed really offended by Aaron's comment. Out of no where, she slams her fist into his jaw. "You shut up, Aaron!" She turns to watch us all staring at her. "Well? Let's go back to the dorm!" She's scary when she's mad. So we all quietly follow her back to our dorm, while Eliza comforts a shaking Peggy.

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