Chapter Two: Meeting your soulmates

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John's POV

The first people to arrive are the two boys. Hercules, tall with dark skin and black eyes, and Lafayette, medium height with black eyes and curly, black hair tied in a bun. They both wear matching outfits: Grey pants with bright orange shirts. Interesting. Apparently, they're dating. "Well then, you guys will have the room for two people!" I announce. Alex groans as the two new boys cheer. We get along pretty good, and then the first girl enters. 

She has light brown skin with large, black eyes and full lips with red lipstick. Her long, curly black hair is brushed over to one side, and she wears a over - sized, light red T - shirt with matching pajama pants. "Hey, I'm Maria. Sorry I changed into my Pajamas in the car because why not." She smiles. She's so pretty. Eh, not really my type. Alexander seems pretty mesmerized, though. 

It's really dark when the last three girls come. All of them are sisters. The tallest one has dark skin, black eyes, and dark, curly hair tied into a bun. She wears a long, flowy night gown that's salmon pink. "Hi! My name's Angelica, the oldest Schuyler sister." The second tallest one starts to speak. She has pale skin and light brown eyes with long, straight black hair. She wears a matching night gown except it's a light baby blue. "I'm Eliza, the middle..." She pauses before gesturing to a girl I didn't see before. "And that's Peggy. The youngest."

Peggy wears the same night gown as her sisters except it's a bright, pastel yellow. She looks like Maria, except with no lipstick and her hair is tied into a pony tail. Plus Maria's pretty is more seductive, while Peggy's beauty is more innocent. Maria speaks up. "Changing into Pajamas, that's the right idea." Angelica looks her up and down before smiling. "Maria, your sleeping in our dorm." And despite Eliza's small protests, Angelica takes her and Maria into one of the rooms for 3 people, leaving me, Alex, and Peggy to share a room. 

Peggy's POV

I can't believe Angelica just did that. Sure, why not, Annie? Ditch your little sister from someone you just met today. I stare at the two boys I'm supposed to share a room with. One's Alex, the other being named John. I start fiddling with my fingers. I always do this when I'm nervous, and right now, I'm more nervous than ever. But despite that, I follow them into our room. There's a bunk bed and one single bed, which Alex calls. I think that's stupid, I should get the single bed, but pretty soon John calls the upper bunk. And I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

I shove some of my clothes into the small dresser on me and John's side and pull out my yellow bed sheets with a sunflower pattern. Curling up in it, I suddenly hear someone make a noise. It's Alex and John just staring at me. "What?" I ask, confused. John shrugs. "Nothing. You're just really cute." I turn away, feeling myself blush. And with that, both boys fall asleep. 

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