Chapter Twenty Nine - Take You Back

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Eliza's POV

"Hold on...I have to hold on..." I mumble to myself, letting go of Maria's hand. "I know what I have to do." I state flatly, breaking into a run. "Eliza, wait!" Maria calls, getting up to run after me. Even if she tried she couldn't stop me. I had to do this. Where the heck is Alexander? I slide past a classroom, before stoping and running inside.

"Alex!" I shout, running past past Peggy and John to get to him. "Lizzie? What are -" He begins, but I interrupt him, helping him up. "Alex, I love you. I forgive you. I'll take you back!" The words rush out of my mouth before I can stop them, and suddenly, his lips are on mine. "He literally just tried to date Angelica." John mumbles.

I want to care but I don't. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I'm back, I'm back finally! With my true love, my soulmate. I just know it! I just know it. "Eliza, I'm so, so sorry!" I hug Alex tightly. "It's ok, it's ok! I forgive you, remember?" He laughs a little, brushing a piece of stray hair behind my ear. "I do." He smiles. "I do."

Angelica's POV

I decided to pull an Eliza and run. I don't know where, I don't care that I'll miss classes, I just start running. It felt good. Then tears start to roll down my face. This is what I dreamed of ever since I first saw Alex. Dating him, kissing him...maybe marrying him later? I don't know. Why did I turn it down? 'Cause he's a dirty, lying, cheat and...and...

And I love him. No matter how hard I try not to, I'll always love him. I wonder if it's too late...I scree to a stop, wiping the sweat off my forehead. It probably is too late, I mean, i rejected him and...he never really stops after one rejection...maybe, just maybe, I'll have a chance. Just one simple, tiny chance to make my heart stop hurting ever time I see him.

I take a breath and turn around sharply, running back. I hope, I pray I can make it in time for classes. Or really, make it in time before Alex heads off to his separate classes. I need to do this, I have to do this. I start speeding up, running faster then I ever have before. I'm coming for you Alex, I hope it's not too late.

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