Chapter Twenty Six - Win me back

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Eliza's POV

I think I took the break - up pretty well. For about a week me and Peggy spent our free time crying while listening to "Hopelessly Devoted to You" from Grease and "Burn" from Miranda and American Musical. Yeah, it was hard at first, living with two stupid cheating bastards, but I got back on my feet pretty quickly. 

I put on my outfit and look in the mirror. Suddenly, I feel tears prick at the back of my eyes. It's the same one I was wearing on the first day. I put a hand in front of my mouth to keep from sobbing. It was love at first sight, and Alex ruined it. He ruined everything! I shake my head and start running.

I don't know where I'm heading. I just run and run and run until BAM! I run right into someone. "Alex?" I ask, pushing myself off the ground. I don't bother helping him up, he doesn't deserve it. "Eliza! I've been meaning to talk to you and -" "Forget it." I interrupt him. "Saying sorry won't make it better. Just leave me alone!" And running again. Where? Nowhere.

Alex's POV

"Eliza wait!" I scream after her. She doesn't stop or look back, just keeps running. Honestly the audacity of some people! I try winning her back, "Forget it" I try apologizing, "Forget it". It's like she doesn't love me anymore or something! Oh forget it! I need to find someone new. Someone special, someone - Someone I know loves me...

"Hey Alex!" John mumbles as I enter the dorm. Ugh. Him. He's the one that ruined my relationship and his own! Seriously! "John...I know, know, but I...I just don't think your right for me. You're ok with that, right?" I ask hopefully. I get a pillow thrown at my face. Then a water bottle. "Drama Queen! Where's Angelica?"

I get another pillow thrown at my face. Conveniently, Angie walks out of her room at that moment. "Hey Jerk faces." She says sweetly, putting on a fake smile. "Hey Angie -" I begin, but she interrupts me."Don't call me that." I sigh, continuing. "Fine Angelica. I need to talk to you. Alone." "What is it?" Angelica asks, staring at me. "I said alone, Angelica!" "Fine..." She mumbles.

We manage to sneak into a empty classroom during lunch. I lock the door behind me. "I think we're right for each other. I just - we've always had this connection and I know you'd just love to date me - OW! What the heck!?" I rub my face where she punched me. That girl is strong! "I would have loved to date you, but then I found out your a cheating bastard and I fricking hate you." She smiles and leaves. Audacity must be on sale today!

Hey guys, I'm back and OH. MY. GOSH! 1.2k reads on this book? Wow! Thanks for all the love and support! And reads! This is a big accomplishment, to me, at least! See you all tomorrow!       

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