Chapter Seventeen - Beach Day

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Peggy's POV

"Beach Day!" Angelica exclaimed happily as we shoved our stuff in the trunk of her car. Man, it feels like this weekend has gone on forever! A lot of stuff has happened. Eliza and Maria became friends, Eliza and Alex become lovers, and Angelica, Maria, and John are still sort of trying to break them up. Why can't John just love some one else? Like me...

Of course. Just my luck. Eliza, Angelica, Maria and Lafayette are taking the car, and Hercules is already there. So that leaves me, John, and Alex to find other means. Other means being my bright yellow bike and John's motorcycle. Alex rides with John and I feel a surge of jealousy as I peddle fast to keep up.

The salty air, the warm sand, the fluffy clouds, it's a recipe for a perfect day. But then add stupid John's stupid crush on stupid Alex and my day is ruined. I squirm in my white and yellow polka - dot sundress covering my sunflower - patterned one - piece. Eliza, Angelica, and Maria all have bikini's in blue, pink, and red. I groan as Eliza pulls me into the waves.

John's POV

"C'mon, Peggy, live a little!" Eliza laughs as she pulls her little sister into the water. Peggy looks really cute in the bathing No, I saw what Angelica did with Alex and Eliza, I don't want to mess up their family even more. Which means stick to Alex, John.

Speaking of which...I giggle as I splash him with the salty water. He laughs, splashing me back. Boats soar across the ocean, sending huge waves our way. The one coming at us now is actually very large...Peggy screams and grabs my hand as it hits us.

The saltwater fills my senses for a split second before the wave shrinks into the shore. Peggy instantly lets go, blushing and embarrassed. Her fingers twitch around her hands, like she does when she's nervous. I smile at her. Then I see Alex and turn to him. I remember how he was forced to ride with would've been romantic. Eliza kisses him. Ugh. No more good days for me, I guess. Well...maybe there's a chance...

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