Chapter Eight - Drunk

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John's POV

That's odd. Angelica kind of just brushed off her little sister being missing like it was nothing. Why do I care about Peggy? Eliza has it handled. I don't know why I'm so worried. I don't like her, I like Alexander. Right? Wait a minute, I don't like Alex what are you talking about heh heh...

"1...2...3...drink!" Angelica screams, already more drunk than most people in this party combined. I laugh, taking a swig. I'm pretty close to her level of drunkenness. Eliza left with Peggy early, being the good sister she was. That left Alex and me alone...

I stumble back to the dorm with a serious headache. I can't remember what I did, what happened at all except for Eliza and Peggy (the schuyler sisters angelica peggy eliza work!) disappearing. I climb onto the top bunk after seeing Peggy already fast asleep on bottom. Aww.

Alex's POV 

"Oh god that was a bad idea..." I mumble, managing to drink the egg cup Peggy and Eliza made for everyone. They were the only people in the dorm, possibly the whole school, that didn't have a hangover. "I told you so." Lafayette grumbles, also half - passed out on the couch. Angelica was still asleep. Thank god for weekends.

Maria keeps looking at me funny. So does Angelica ( she finally woke up.) Eliza keeps scooting closer...she's really sweet. John keeps staring at me from the doorway of our room and Peggy's staring at him. What kind of weird love...wait how many people? 1, 2...Eliza's 3, John's 4...5. 5 people are involved with this.

"I have something that always cured Angie's hangovers." Eliza says suddenly. She stands in front of everyone. "Tomorrow, we get a taste of saltwater! The fresh ocean air is great for hangovers. Which you all will probably still have tomorrow seeing how much you were drinking." "It's settled the. We go to the beach." I agree, smiling at her. Then more headaches. Great.

Um hey I know I just did a party scene but I like describing beaches ok? Also like I planned out everyone's beach outfits and Maria's, Eliza's, and Peggy's are all really cute. Yes whenever I am mentioning people I will include Peggy last just so I can do "and peggy." 

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