Chapter One: Friends at first sight

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Alexander's POV

I squint at my schedule. Dorm room 305. At Kings College. I feel myself smile. Like, actually smile. It's my first day at Kings College! And for once, everyone is new. All my life I've moved schools. Either I get there at the middle of the year, or the beginning of the 2nd year! But now? Now everyone's new. I just have to find my dorm...BAM! A boy slams into me. 

He has tan skin with black eyes and freckles splattered all over his face. He wears black pants with a College sweat - shirt...exactly what I'm wearing. He kind of looks like me too, except my hair is black and tied into a straight pony - tail, while his pony - tail is a curly mess of dark brown. He helps me up, "Hey! My name's John!" "Alex." I smile at him. He points at my schedule, saying, "Well, Alex. Turns out we're roomies!" This time we both smile. "So new roomie...where's our dorm?" He looks sheepishly down at his feet, "I don't really know..." 

Suddenly a boy with dark skin and black eyes comes up. He wears a black suit. Kind of fancy for the weekend before our first day, don't you think? He smiles at us. "Hi, I'm Aaron. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but over hear, your dorm is on the 3rd floor, the last dorm in the hallway." He smiles before leaving us to walk up the stairs alone. 

Our dorm room is the last on the hallway on the 3rd floor?!? "This is going to be torture..." I groan, pushing open the door. It's the standard thing. A small sitting room, a tiny kitchen...two bathrooms? Why do we need...I turn towards the bedrooms. 1 room for 2 people, and 2 rooms for 3 people. "Eight people are living here? 6 more people are coming?" I ask in surprise. John flops onto the couch. "Yep. 2 more boys and 4 more girls." "So what do I we do?" I ask sitting down next to him. "Now? Now we wait."

Eliza's POV

I draw a frowny face on the fogged up car window, rain pouring down on the other side. We're moving into a dorm at Kings College, with 4 boys and one more girl. I didn't want to move. It meant I had to break up with my boyfriend, Charles Lee. I didn't get much sympathy from my sisters, though. Peggy did say anything, and Angelica just said it was for the best. She thinks he was just dating me for my money. It wouldn't be the first time. 

I sigh, turning towards Peggy. I had to leave anyway. I didn't trust my sisters to be alone in a college. I didn't trust Peggy to not have a panic attack when we got there, and I didn't trust Angelica to not instantly leave us behind and find the cutest boy to flirt with. I look at Peggy. She's moving her fingers up and down, left and right, in a kind of synchronized dance kind of way. She does that when she's nervous. 

"L - O - V and E! Love is the feeling I have for you!" Angelica starts screeching. I giggle. Everyone knows she can sing much better then that, she just wants to torture us even more. Smiling at us, she continues, even worse this time, "L - O - V and E! This is love and I know it's true!" Suddenly she starts screaming and honking. "Hurry up! It's bad enough we're in a rainstorm! You don't have to give me extra traffic too!"

That killed the mood. I sigh, turning back towards the window. Because of the rain, my frowny face is now crying. This college better be worth it.

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