Chapter Twelve - Parts

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Angelica's POV

I clasp onto my sisters hands as we walk to theatre class. Today, we find out our parts! Well, mainly just Peggy. I mean, Eliza has Glinda's part in the bag, nobody really auditioned for Nessarose so Maria's safe, and John and Alex are pretty much the only boys who auditioned. And me? Well I'm definitely going to get Elphaba's part.

Mr. Miranda finishes posting the casting on the board and the whole class rushed up excitedly. As I expected, Eliza got Glinda, Maria got Nessarose, and I assume Alex and John got their parts 'cause they're jumping up and down squealing like 5 year olds. My eyes search for my name any where, but they fall on something unexpected. Elphaba - Peggy Schuyler. Peggy smiles.

She jumps up and down and hugs me. "Thank you, Angelica. You probably made Mr. Miranda give me the part instead of you, otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance. You're such a good sister!" I just smile and nod as she goes to tell Eliza the news. Except I didn't tell Mr. Miranda anything, so Peggy does stand a chance. I find my name next to Madame Morrible. How in the world did Peggy get that part?

John's POV

I smile as Peggy runs up and hugs me. "I got the part!" She giggles. I laugh as she awkwardly stops hugging me and fidgets with her hands. "It's because of Angelica. She must have told Mr. Miranda something because otherwise, I wouldn't have stood a chance against her!" Peggy rambles. Why does she think that? Peggy stood a chance. That's why she got the part.

I watch Peggy start giggling with Eliza then turn my attention to Angelica and Maria. Maria looks very bored with Angie as Angie keeps complaining about her part. I listen in. "It's totally unfair. Peggy, I mean, Peggy's good, but I deserve the part! I've always been the star, the spotlight, it's still my turn! I mean, what's going to happen when Peggy embarrasses herself in front of everyone when she messes up her part?"

"Nothing, Angie." I say before I can think. Angelica looks at me, confused. "Nothing's going to happen, 'cause Peggy won't mess up the part. She won that part fair and square. And if you've been in the spot light your entire life, then your turn is over." And with that, I leave Angelica dumb - struck as I walk away. 

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