Chapter Thirty One - Time Skip

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Third Person POV

After that, things went pretty well. Almost the second they got out of collage, Alex proposed to Eliza, claiming that Angelica told him to. Angelica had done no such thing, but just went along with it, trying not to cry. She knew she missed her chance. About a year after that, though, Angie found herself with a second chance.

She eloped with a young man named John Carter Church only 2 days after they started dating. By this time Lafayette finally got of his butt and proposed to Hercules. John felt bad about not being part of the whole proposing party thing, but didn't want to move to fast or force Peggy to make any crazy decisions. 1 year after that, Eliza had a son named Philip.

2 years after that, Eliza had a baby girl, naming her Angelica (or nick - named mini Angelica) after her loving sister. John was getting worried his relationship was going down hill, but in the end, Peggy proposed to him by his favorite lake in a trip to South Carolina. By this time Maria had come out, finding a healthy relationship with a girl named Sally. 

Everything was going well, finally. No drama, no break - ups, the occasional kid here and there, but nothing too crazy. Well, until one fateful trip to the mall. Philip was 8 and Mini Angelica 6, when Eliza was on a little trip to the mall with her husband and sisters. Maria tagged along was well with her now - fiance, Sally.

Eliza's POV

I hold on tightly to Philip's hand. "Stay close, guys, I don't want anyone getting lost." I smile down at them. Suddenly I'm bombarded by a kiss. "You're too worried, Lizzie..." "I told you not to call me that!" I giggle at Alex, pushing him off. I do a full on laugh after hearing Philip and Mini Angelica's "Ewww"'s! "All right love birds." Maria laughs along.

After about 2 hours of mini Angelica being picky about her clothes, we stop for lunch at a Starbucks. That's when it all went down hill. Philip was taking a little bite of his cake-pop when someone screamed. And then a gunshot went off. That wasn't even the worst part. I grab my kids screaming, "Get down!" and ducking under the table.

2 minutes. 2 minutes of footsteps getting farther then closer than farther away again. Alex moves out from under the table, standing in front of me. "I think it's safe, Lizzie, let's go home." He mumbles quietly reaching out a hand to help me up. Suddenly there's another gunshot and a loud thump. Alex collapses in the floor, a spot of blood flowering on his chest.

I scream. I remember a blur of the killer on the floor, a pool of blood, crying kids...then darkness. Just a sad, lonely, darkness. I must have fainted, I think, staring out into the vast abyss. Or maybe...maybe I'm dead. Maybe I just left my two kids without any parents. No, Lizzie. Alex could have survived. Flash. I'm waking up. Flash. I'm crying well putting on a black dress.

Flash. The week is moving too fast and suddenly I'm at a grave. I don't remember doing anything. But here I am, holding on to Philip and Mini Angelica's hands and staring at the words imprinted on the grave. "Alexander Hamilton 1991 - 2021" I start to cry. It's true. He was only 30, he should have had more time. I stare at the sky. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

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