Chapter Twenty - Maria's not OK

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Maria's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It wasn't the dorm room, I could tell you that. I checked the time. 8:30. My phone was by the clock. Well if my phone alarm didn't go off at 5:00, then it must be the weekend. "Angelica? Eliza?" I called out into the darkness, sliding out of the weird bed I was in. "Hey babe." That voice...what happened last night?

I rub my head as it all comes back to me. I left after Peggy and John started dating - or at least kissed. I went to a bar...I met a boy...James. His name is James. He' to me in his bed. Oh shoot. "Listen, James, I don't mean to be rude, but I think this is more of a one - night-" he cuts me off with a sharp punch.

I gasp, holding my eye, pain swelling through me. "No, sweety, this isn't a 'one - night - thing.' We're dating now, ok?" I don't answer, trying to get to my phone. He kicks me hard in the chest. "OK - ok!" I cry, grabbing my phone. I call Peggy. "Maria? Maria? Oh god, you had me worried? Are you ok? What happened? Where are-" I cut her off.

"I'm fine, Peggy. Nothing happened, I just - I just went for a long walk. I'm coming back to the dorm now, bye." I hang up, despite her protests. "See you tonight." James whispers, handing me a piece of paper. I shove it into my bag and start getting dressed. How did I get myself into the situation? No, how did James get me into this situation?

Lafayette's POV

Maria entered the dorm looking worse than ever. She had a black eye and a bruise across her collarbone. Peggy ran up, half her hair torn out from stress. "Oh my gosh are you ok? What happened? Marie you had me worried sick!" Maria sighed. "I tripped and fell down the stairs on my way up." Eliza came running. "I'll fix you up."

After bandaging up Maria, she said some news. "I found a boyfriend. His names is James." She smiles, setting her phone down. "Can we meet him?" Hercules says almost instantly. He's the dad or mom of the group. In fact, me and Herc are pretty much the parents.

Maria shakes her head, though. "I don't know if he's comfortable with that. I'll ask him, though!" She sounds hopeful, but I can hear the lie in her voice. I already don't trust this James character. By the looks of it, neither does anybody else. Peggy starts literally shaking before John tries to calm her down. Eliza goes to her room, then out, then back in, then asks, "What was I doing?" This dorm group is weird.

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