Chapter Five - Awaiting your doom

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Maria's POV

I make sure to walk close to Alex on the way back to the dorms. I saw the way Eliza looked at him, and well, yes, we are pretty great friends all ready, we weren't at the level of giving up love for each other. So when we entered the dorm room, I sat right down next to Alex on the couch. And here comes the lecture.

"What. Were. You. Thinking?!?" Angelica shouts. Eliza holds Peggy while she fiddles with her hands and mumbles to herself. "Getting into a fight on the first day? Real mature, Alex. Real. Mature." Angelica glares. John suddenly speaks up. "Is Peggy OK?" Angelica looks surprised, then she pauses, trying to think of something. And here comes a lie.

"She's just a little shaken up..." Before she finishes, Eliza jumps in. "You're our friends. We care about you. We may have just met, but that's not going to stop us from worrying when you get into a fight." She glares at Angelica, then continues, "Plus Peggy has anxiety issues, so..." Alex looks sheepishly down at his feet. As he should. He's still cute, though.

Alex's POV

"Look, I'm sorry, OK?" I groan. "What was the fight even about?" Maria asks, scooting closer. Then John on the other side of me scoots closer. Which makes Peggy start to hide a glare, and Eliza hides a sad look. What's that all about. "Aaron Burr was being a Jerk." Angelica looks at me, unconvinced. I sigh.

"Aaron Burr was talking about how all women's job is just to find a husband and he's the perfect fit. I told him that was stupid. He told me to buzz off 'cause nobody would ever date I punched him, and then the fight started." I calmly explained. Angelica glares at me.

"You are like a child." She groans, before grabbing Eliza and Maria and slamming the door to her room. Hercules and Lafayette kind of juts give me disapproving looks before heading out the dorm room, probably to do romantic stuff in the courtyard. So that just left me, John that was getting way to close, and Peggy who's state just looked worse after she saw John.

Oh great. Peggy manages a quick, "Excuse me." Before sliding into our room. John stares at me. I stare at him. "What?" I ask. He scoots away quickly, adding an uncomfortable, "Nothing!" Then leaving after Peggy. Great. Just Great. First day of College and I already have one enemy, one person who I think has a crush on me, and another person who either has a crush on me too, or is mad at me because the first person has a crush on me. This is weird. I groan. I hate college.

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