Chapter Nine: Rain rain go away

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Angelica's POV

I sit sadly by the window, watching the rain pour. We were supposed to go to the beach today but instead we're stuck inside. And my hangover has definitely not gone away. I didn't even know a hangover could last multiple days until the party. I sigh. Well one perk, Alex's stuck here. With me. But then I notice something.

Maria. Eliza. John. All of them are staring at him. And he's completely clueless. Just keep looking at your phone, Alex. That'll solve everything. Maria has a weird look on her face. Eliza suddenly stopped looking at him, focusing on dragging her finger across a crack in the wall. She keeps banging her legs against each other. I walk over. "Eliza have you taken your meds today?"

She looks at me wide - eyed then runs into our room. She always forgets to take her meds, and she's lucky I'm there to remind her. I wouldn't want her shaking and all jittery when she's stuck inside and can't do anything. Back to Alex. John is staring at him longingly. And Peggy? ( and peggy the schuyler sisters) She's staring at John. Oh ho ho...

Eliza's POV

What was I doing? I stop in the middle of the room. I start tapping my foot on the floor, eager to do something, anything. Oh, yeah! My meds. Good thing Angie's here to remind me. After taking my pills, I walk out of the room, confused again. Alex looks really cute right now...

Suddenly I notice something. Angelica is staring at Alex. Maria is staring at Alex. Even John is staring at Alex. Taking one look at this, I knew what I had to do. I didn't want to of course, but I wouldn't let them do this to Alex.

"Alex. There's something I need to tell you." I say, looking at Angie, John, and Maria. They all look worried. It needs to be said. I won't let them do this to Alex. I won't I won't I won't. "Alex. I think you have crumbs or something all over your shirt." He looks down at his shirt. I don't see any crumbs, but why else would everyone be staring at him?

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