Chapter Sixteen - Assume much, Alex?

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Warning: Eating Disorder. Sorry if you have this and it's not like that, but I tried my best based off of descriptions I got. You are all perfect just the way you are and deserve life, love, and happiness. Remember that someone somewhere will always love you!

Alex's POV

Everything got cleared up. Though Angelica still gave me and Eliza dirty looks. Right now we were having a nice dinner to clear everything up and become friends again. Peggy's worried expression is fixed on Maria's small portion size and Eliza's huge one. Why was she worried about Eliza's plate size?

"Eliza..." Angelica begins, sounding worried as Eliza starts eating fast. Is Angelica worried about Eliza's weight? She probably is, the nasty witch. Eliza is fine just the way she is. "Eliza, stop!" Angelica says more nervously as Eliza eats more. "No, you stop, Angelica! Eliza's perfect! You don't need to care so much about her weight!" Eliza runs to the bathroom crying.

"Alex. I do need to worry so much about her weight." Angelica says flatly and slowly before glaring at me. "She has bulimia. Which, in case you didn't know, Alex, is when you binge - eat and then throw it all up." Oh...oh, no. Maria gets up and goes after Eliza, leaving a worried looking Peggy at the table.

Eliza's POV

I cry as I flush the throw - up down the toilet. It's stupid, I'm stupid. I'm fat, stupid, and just...I cry more. Why would I eat so much? Why can't I just be skinny? I eat and then I throw up and then....then I cry and it's stupid and I'm stupid and fat and...I hear a knock.

"Eliza, it's me, Maria." Maria begins. "Go, away!" I cry, trying to sound fine. I don't. "Eliza, I understand. I - You need to let me in." I can hear the pain in her voice...I unlock the door and she sits down next to me before I close it again.

"I have an eating disorder, too. Except it's different from yours. I wouldn't eat anything. It would make me feel sick and fat and over all just insecure. Every time I looked in a mirror or at a scale I would think, god, all my problems would be solved if I was just 10 pounds skinnier, or 20 pounds, or something like that." Maria spills.

So she does understand. She understands a lot. "Am I..." I begin. Maria shakes her head. "Peggy's the first one I told." So that's why Peggy's been so concerned with Maria's eating habits lately. Maria takes my hand as I feel more tears roll down my face. "Eliza, you're perfect. You're skinny and beautiful and amazing, and I'm here for you." She takes a breath before hugging me tightly, "I'm here for both of us."

Well. Let's end this chapter with some Marliza shippers going crazy...But again, you guys are all perfect just the way you are, and no matter how alone you feel, someone is always there for you. All you Eliza's just need to find your Maria. :)

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