Chapter Twenty Two - Maria's definitely not OK

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Maria's POV

I wake up with blinding lights shinning in my eyes. Where am I? "Maria? Guys! Guys, c'mere, she's waking up!" I hear Alex's voice. Alex...I used to like him. Now I don't think I can "like" anyone again. Not after what James did - is still doing to me. The flashing lights clear and I sit up, finding myself in our dorm.

Peggy runs up and hugs me. "Marie oh my gosh what happened please don't say nothing happened 'cause something happened 'cause you fainted -" "Peggy. Let her talk." John interrupts. I sigh. I won't be able to just push this off. But what will James do if I tell them? Only one way to find out...

"It's James. I - he hits me...and hurts me and - and - He said he'll keep doing it but even worse if I tell anyone - I didn't." A collective gasp goes across my dorm mates. "Maria, you should have told us earlier!" Angelica says. Alex puts a hand on her wrist. "She was scared, Angie." He quickly lets go, turning his attention to Eliza.

Eliza's POV

I sit with Maria in the nurse's office. I insisted on going with her. Maria almost tried the excuse of "I fell down the stairs" with Nurse Emily, but I stopped her and told the nurse everything. Some of the campuse's police went to James's dorm room, and so did most of our dorm mates. Well, except for me and Peggy. We went with Maria to the nurse.

Peggy is a nervous wreck. Maria is scared James will do more to her. I forgot to take my meds this morning so we're all shaking and fiddling around in our seats. "Well, I contacted your parents and James's parents, and well, James's folks apologized a bunch and your parents are coming to bring you home for the week to recover." Nurse Emily states.

I hug Maria goodbye as her parents wait nervously by the car. The second Maria goes up to them they're all over her. "Oh, sweety, are you ok? No, of course you're not ok, what was I thinking, c'mon honey we're taking you home he can't hurt you anymore oh goodness this is bad this is really bad!" I wave at her as the car leaves, and so does Peggy. Lafayette mumbles something on our way back inside. "I knew James was bad news." Boy was he right.

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