Chapter Three: Eliza's love at first sight

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Angelica's POV

I yawn, swinging my legs out of the cramped bunkbed. Maria called the single bed, so I new she was cool. And of course, like a good sister, I let Eliza have top bunk. First day of college, I have to make an impression. I dig through the dresser I set up last night, trying to find something that will make people understand me. Found it. Perfect!

I decided on a salmon pink suit jacket with a white undershirt and a darker pink skirt. I pull on some matching heels and makeup and I'm ready to go! Eliza hasn't even gotten up yet..."Good morning." Maria says, pulling out what I assume she's wearing. She settled on a red sundress with a black belt, and some black heels. I smile at her. Today's going to be great.

Finally, Eliza gets up. She simply throws on a light blue sweater with some white jeans and blue flats. It gets on my nerves laid back she is. How she doesn't care what other people think. It's annoying. I roll my eyes at her and walk out, seeing Peggy already ready. She's wearing a stripped yellow and white shirt with a yellow jean skirt, black belt, and some yellow and black combat boots. Oh, how they grow up so fast.

The boys have already left to wander the school before classes start. Maria joined them, so I'm pretty sure someone has a crush. I'm actually happy that the boys and Maria left, leaving me, Eliza, and Peggy. Now no one can notice how weird we are. People used to call us "Problematic" at our old school. Mainly 'cause we each had something going on. Peggy has anxiety and Eliza has ADHD. Me? Well, I'm perfect. No one's ever called me Problematic, so I have to make sure my sisters don't ruin my reputation.

Eliza's POV

I think I'm in love! The second I saw Alex I knew, I just knew, we were meant to be together. Did you see how he looked at me when he walked away? I sigh, flopping against the couch. 'We leave for class in 5 minutes, ok?" Angelica smiles. I nod, then turn towards Peggy. "Sorry Angelica left you behind." She just stares at her hands.

I smile happily at my schedule. I have 5 classes with Alex, 5. Entire. Classes! How awesome is my life? The awesomest, right? First class of the day, Theatre. With Peggy, and Angelica, too! I walk in, and find Maria decided to take this class as well. Things move pretty fast in theatre, actually. The teacher, Mr. Miranda, decided to tell us he's working on finding a musical for us to act out. There'll be auditions of course.

The day speeds by pretty fast, and soon everyone is back in the dorm. Maria seems to be getting very close to Alex...and so does...Angelica? No, no, no...but...I can't love Alex now! I could never compete with these two. I slump sadly onto the couch next to Peggy. Looking into my eyes, she gives me a sad smile. "Next time, Liz. Next time."

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