21. A Walk In The Park

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"What's going on?" You asked Mirio, after closing your locker.

"Well, Tamaki and I both have a game today, but it's at the same time. So I was wondering, maybe you would like to choose one to go to?" He offered.

"Uhm, I'll go to yours." You told him, feeling bad for your lack of hesitation. Ever since your sleepover and kiss with Tamaki, things had been sort of awkward between you two. Not that you wanted them to be, more like you made them. 

But who could blame you when you were terrified of catching feelings? You were distancing yourself from him, after all. And it seemed like it made the boy upset.

You had been avoiding Mirio a bit too, thanks to how flirtatious he had gotten. Not that you minded, it just...made you feel something that shouldn't be there.

  Still, you supposed going to just one of his meets couldn't hurt. You did need to catch up with him a bit after all.


After school, you rushed over to Mirio's meet, since it was starting right when school ended. You watched him swim, cheered him on, and yet again caught sight of his muscular upper body, with him teasing you about how hard you were blushing.

"I still can't believe you can do that! Swimming two hundred meters that fast? It's amazing! I would probably pass out." You said as you walked out of the school building with him, fully clothed this time.

"Well, it's all in practice, especially since I'm Coach Nighteye's star protégés! Along with a few other kids, heh." Mirio said proudly.

"Coach Nighteye?" You repeated the familiar name in your mind.

"Yeah, you know him?" He replied curiously. You had only heard about him as Mr.Nighteye, the strict calculus teacher, through other students complaining. That wasn't even his real name, he has just nicknamed it due to his amazing ability to catch almost anyone cheating. He was also the varsity coach for the swim team.

"I heard of him." You shrugged. There was a small awkward silence before Mirio once again broke it.

"Hey, I'm hungry. Wanna go somewhere to eat?" He offered, your stomach growling at the thought. "Sure."

"Where is this place?" You asked as Mirio dragged you through the city. You had been walking for at least twenty minutes and you didn't even care where you were going anymore. You just wanted to eat.

"We're almost there. It's just around this corner." He answered, still keeping his arm linked with yours.

The two of you walked through the entrance of some park, stopping at a cute little dango stand. Once you both ordered and got your food, you sat together on a nearby bench,
where you spent your time eating and chatting about insignificant things.

"So, how are things with you and Tamaki?" Mirio questioned out of the blue, catching you off guard. You felt your heart drop into your stomach. Why was he acting like you two were a couple? Did Tamaki tell him about your kiss?

He probably did, didn't he? Ugh, I'm so screwed.

"Uh we're fine...what do you mean by that?" You responded, nibbling at the last dumpling nervously.

"It's nothing, I was just curious." He explained briefly before changing the subject with a shitty pun.

By the time you both finished eating, the sun was already setting, painting the sky a pretty pinkish-blue color. Mirio helped you up, taking your hand gently as he moved. "Why don't we go out for a little walk through the park, hm?"

"Sure." You smiled.

As you walked through the park, Mirio intertwined his fingers with yours, holding your hand. You felt your cheeks go a little red not being able to help back the goofy, love-struck grin on your face.

Soon enough, the sun had disappeared, transitioning into the night, and making things a lot more colder. A cool spring breeze blew at you, making you shiver softly and lean against Mirio for warmth, causing him to smirk a bit. "You cold?"

You nodded, causing the taller blonde to stop and pull off his varsity jacket, dropping it on your head. Giggling, you got the jacket off your head and onto your shoulders. It was big on you, the sleeves going over your hands and the ends reaching down past your skirt to your thighs.

"It looks good on you." He complimented, making you blush once again. "T-thanks."

Once again taking your hand, he led you away, over to some trees with beautiful sakura blossoms glistening in the moonlight.

  Mirio could barely control himself. You were just so beautiful. Especially when you were wearing his clothing, especially his jacket. As if you two were a couple. As if you were his. And you could be. God, he was so close to making you his. But he knew he had to wait. He could still do some things in the meantime.

"Isn't it so beautiful?" You asked Mirio, looking up at the night sky, the bright moon reflecting on the flowers and your skin, making you and him glow a bit in the dim light.

"Yeah, it is," Mirio said, and the next thing you knew, he had your back pressed up against one of the trees, you standing right in between his arms. 

"Can I kiss you?" He questioned, and before you could even think properly, an answer spilled from your lips. A dumb, stupid, answer.


And there you were again, kissing your other best friend. You cursed your brain for letting this happen all over again. Did this mean he liked you? Did this mean Tamaki liked you?

It didn't matter. Right now, what mattered was how good Mirio's lips felt, pressed against yours, almost consuming yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, while his hands began to wander over your body, one grabbing on the inside of your thigh, the other holding your waist.

You felt your legs begin to shake, and you prayed he couldn't feel how moist you were getting, basically destroying your panties. But before things could get any more heated, a voice called out to you two, and a bright light shined into your eyes.

After getting chewed out and shamed by the security guard who found you two, Mirio walked you back home.

"Well, thanks, Mirio. Today was fun, but I have to get going." You dismissed the teen, giving him one last hug. He placed a small kiss on the forehead, watching as you walked off.

Oh (y/n), what have you gotten yourself into?


Now both men got kith kith and both are happy 😌

I'm currently having such a Miro and Tamaki bad brain rot rnnnn like both of them could get ittt

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