45. School Dance

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You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you slipped the dress on, pulling the straps over your shoulders. Just the other day, you went shopping with Eri, buying some clothes for her, and finding the perfect dress for this dance. You couldn't wait to show them.

Sure, you had gone through a bit of a rough patch with what happened with Nejire and all, but things were better than ever now. No one was going to get in the way of your relationship. You three had been through everything, and you loved them. More than the world. More than anything.

"You gonna let us see or what?" Mirio asked impatiently, making you smile and hum to yourself, shaking your head.

You were preparing to leave for the school dance they invited you to. You had everything you needed, and Eri was fast asleep, so you were all set for the evening. You just had to finish getting ready.

"Patience is a virtue, babe." You called out to
Mirio, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was done in your favorite hairstyle, your face sparkling with some light make-up, your lips coated with lipstick.

Your dress was low cut, with straps around your shoulders, showing a good amount of your chest, hanging down slightly past your knees. It was a nice (f/c) color and hugged your curves perfectly.

Taking a small breath, you walked out into the bedroom, showing yourself. Both boys' jaws dropped, making you giggle when you saw their expressions. "So, what do you think?"

"You look gorgeous." Mirio complimented, gaping up at you. "So pretty." Tamaki couldn't help but add.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourselves." You admitted, smiling at them, and pulling them into a hug. And they did look great, wearing matching suits, which you found cute. They began to pepper kisses all over you, while you kissed both of them back.

They kissed down your neck, making you squirm around. "Guys, that tickles. C'mon, let's go. I don't want to miss the dance, and you're messing up my makeup."

"You look fine. Here." Mirio licked his thumb and moved it beside your lip, washing away your slightly smeared lipstick. "There, perfect. Like always."

You couldn't help but smile at that comment, getting to your feet and taking their hands, pulling them along with you. "Now, let's go."


When you arrived at the dance, you saw that it was absolutely packed. Probably the whole school was there. There were freshmen, dancing and walking around in their own social groups, Sophomores, hanging around the food and socializing, and seniors, dancing on each other like this was a club or something. You were surprised that the chaperones weren't doing much about it.

Since the whole school was here, you couldn't help but wonder if Nejire was too. A small feeling of dread slipped over you as your eyes scanned the crowd, searching for her. But she was nowhere to be seen.

"Everything okay there, (y/n)?" Mirio asked, making you pull your eyes to him. The last thing you wanted to talk to them about was Nejire, considering that conversation you had with them about her.

"I'm fine. Just a little lost in thought." You smiled, shaking your head and pushing the thoughts away.

Mirio knew there was something else, but decided not to push you on it. This was supposed to be a time where you all were having fun, and if you didn't want to talk about what was bugging you right now, neither did he.

"Who don't we go dance?" Mirio offered, and you nodded, taking his hand, and Tamaki's as well.

While you and Mirio got right into it, Tamaki seemed a little more reluctant about joining. There were a lot of people here, and you knew it was very overwhelming for him. So you and Mirio comforted him. "It's going to be okay, Tamaki, we're all here to have fun, right?"

"Just focus on us, Tamaki." You told him, cupping his cheek. His eyes locked with yours, and he glanced at you and Mirio, taking a small breath and calming down.

With that, you danced with Tamaki, taking turns and switching to Mirio with the next song, Tamaki and Mirio dancing with one another after. Then all three of you danced together, having a wonderful time.

"I'm getting hot, so I'm going to go get a drink. Do you guys want anything?" You asked after a couple of songs. Mirio tapped Tamaki, repeating the same question to him, before turning back to you and answering.

"Sure, we'll both just get some punch, thanks," Mirio replied, and you nodded, squeezing through the crowd and over to the tables of food.

Smiling to yourself, you poured some punch into the cup, before moving it aside. After everything that happened, it was nice to have some fun like this. It really was a great night, and everything was perfect.

"Have you seen Nejire?" You heard someone say, looking over your shoulder at who it was. You recognized her as one of Nejire's friends, seeing her in her group plenty of times before.

"No, she didn't say she was coming or anything like that. I hope she's doing okay." Another girl replied. "That's so weird. This isn't like her."

Heading enough of their conversation, you rushed off back to Tamaki and Mirio, trying to push the feelings of guilt and fear away. Why were you even worried about her? It's not like she ever did anything good to you. She was a psychotic bitch and a bad person, and should be the last person you should be thinking about tonight.

You handed Tamaki and Mirio their drinks, taking a long sip before going back to dancing again. Letting yourself get lost in the music and the embrace of your lovers, and forgetting about your worries completely.

It had been an amazing night, and after a couple hours of dancing and hanging out, you left to go back home with the boys and turned in for the night.

(A/N: Don't worry, y'all, stuff's about to get real interesting

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