7. Music Box

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Today was finally the day. It was Eri's birthday and you couldn't wait to give her the present you had for her. You already made her favorite breakfast, and you couldn't wait to spoil her even more.

You loved Eri more than anything and believed she deserved the world.  The poor girl barely even knew her parents. After her birth, your father left to go work, and your mother wasn't around that often. She was never really there, not even for Eri's or your birthdays.

So, that left you to care for her. You were basically raising her at this point. But you didn't mind.

Smiling to yourself, you held up the music box. It was a gift your grandmother gave you, an heirloom that was passed down from generation to generation and it was very special to you. Today, you were going to give it to Eri. Sure, it was a little old, but you knew she would love it.

Even though you still owned it, soon you would be giving it up to Eri. So why not spend one last day close to your grandmother's gift, and just keep it in your bag? That wouldn't cause any harm, right?

So, you carefully set it in your bag, leaving for school and joining Mirio and Tamaki once again.


You walked down the hall with Mirio and Tamaki, chatting away as usual.

"Mirio, Tamaki! Could you help us with this?" A few students called, distracting the two.

"Sure thing!"

After giving you a comforting smile, the two boys left. You always felt a little anxious when you were walking the school halls without them. Maybe it was just that you weren't used to it, or maybe it was that you were being clingy. Or maybe it was the glares you received from the other girls every now and then.

Whatever it was, you still felt a little uneasy, walking all alone.

And you were right for feeling that, because the next thing you knew, Nejire grabbed you by your collar, tugging you roughly. A few girls were surrounding you, keeping Mirio and Tamaki from seeing.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Tamaki and Mirio!" She shouted in your face, her all-too-sweet smelling perfume stinging your nostrils.

Calmly, you took a deep breath, trying to keep your cool and defuse the situation. "Mirio and Tamaki still talk to you, right? Isn't that what you wanted? Listen, I can't control who they want to be friends with, and who they spend their time with. Getting angry at me won't change anything."

Your words managed to shut her up and she let you go, shoving you onto the ground.

Unfortunately, your music box was in your bag, and the impact broke it. The sounds of broken chimes came from your backpack, and you knew it was over. You gasped, going on your knees and searching through your bag frantically.

Oh no, oh no, please no.

The others left, leaving you in the middle of the hall, rummaging through your things. In your hands was the now broken box, mechanical pieces scattered all over. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you bit down on your lip roughly.

How could you mess this up? How could you be so stupid? It was a family heirloom and it shattered. It's all your fault. This is all your fault.

"(Y/n), what happened? Are you okay?" The two males crowded you, while you sat, broken pieces in hand, on the verge of crying. You must've looked like a mess.

Right there, you broke down, quiet sobs escaping your throat. Mirio and Tamaki pulled you away, making sure you wouldn't get trampled on by other students making their way through the hall.

The sight of you crying was something Mirio, nor Tamaki ever wanted to see. The tears streamed down your cheeks, your plump lips quivering, and your beautiful (e/c) eyes refusing to meet their gaze. It pained them to see you like this, and all they wanted to do was take the hurt away. But what could they do?

Hot shame ran through your body as you kept your eyes at your feet. "This- this is so embarrassing. You guys have only known me for like a month and a half, and- and you are already seeing me cry."

Mirio cupped your face, wiping away the tears that were falling down your cheeks while Tamaki rubbed your back in small, soothing circles. "Shhh, don't be embarrassed, sunshine. It's okay to cry. Now, what happened?"

"M-my- my- music box broke. It was supposed to be a present for Eri's birthday. A-and it's a family heirloom, and it's all my f-fault."

Tamaki looked at the pieces, recognizing it almost immediately. He got a glance of the box for a bit when he was at your place, but never really got a good look at it.

"Hey, it's okay. You know what? I have an idea." Mirio said, taking the pieces from your hands and marching off, Tamaki following closely next to you.

Tamaki took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, and giving you a reassuring smile. "It's going to be okay. M-mirio will make it all better."

You dried your eyes, sniffling a little. "Thanks, Tama."

You eventually stopped outside of the classroom used for woodshop. "What are we doing here?"

"You'll see. I think I have a friend who can help you with your little music box problem." Mirio gave you a wink while Tamaki groaned.

"Oh no. N-not her." He stuttered, attempting to hide behind you despite his taller stature.

"What? Who?"

"Oh heya Mirio!" Out from under the desk popped a pink-haired girl with makeshift goggles resting on her forehead and a huge grin on her face. She seemed like a freshman and was holding multiple different tools, working on some random invention you couldn't even identify.

"How's it going, Hatsume?" He asked her.

"I'm great! Just working on baby #137 over here. What can I help you with?" She offered cheerfully. She seemed even more energetic than Mirio, which was almost too energetic, and was very interesting to see.

"Well, my friend here broke her music box and it's really important to her. I know it might be a bit to ask, but could you repair it by the end of the day?" Mirio carefully placed the pieces on the table in front of her.

"Sure thing! I could even give it some advancements!" Mei grinned, picking up different parts of the box and studying it.

"No!" Mirio and Tamaki exclaimed, stopping her. "Just keep it the same way it is."

"Alrighty then. Come back at the end of the day, and I'll have it ready." She told you.

Once you all thanked her, you were off to your next class, still walking with Tamaki and Mirio, never leaving their side.

"Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it. You know what? Why don't you come over to my place? I'm going to be celebrating my sister's birthday, and I could use the company." You offered.

Tamaki and Mirio traded glances, smiling at one another.

"We'd love to."

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