4. The Plan

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Tamaki and Mirio sat in the cafe together, both taking their orders.

"And I'll have some hot chocolate with that too." Mirio finished up his order. With a nod, the waitress left.

Clearing his throat, Mirio shuffled the menus together, pushing them to the side. "So tell me. How do you feel about (y/n)?"

"W-well, it's a lot of complicated emotions, I guess. It's just, she's so beautiful, and smart and kind, I've never really had any girl care for me in the way she does. And being around her is just so intoxicating and blissful. Whenever I lose that feeling, I don't know what to do...What about you?" Tamaki asked, feeling his cheeks go a little pink now that he had said all of that out loud.

"I would say the same. She's pretty, laughs at all my jokes, she's nice, and I love being around her too." Mirio agreed.

There were a few seconds of silence before Tamaki spoke again. "Is it bad that I....follow her around a bit?"

"You what?"

"I-I follow her around, just from place to place sometimes when I really want to see her. And I also might take some of her stuff, just small things like a pencil or an eraser, and I have some pictures of her t-that are marked in favorites in my camera roll." Tamaki blurted out. He didn't mean to tell him all that information, but it's not like it was that big of a deal, right? After all, Mirio was his best friend and Tamaki knew he could trust him with things like this.

After hearing all of his actions, Tamaki was scared. Not scared of what he did, but scared of how he felt. He didn't feel the tiniest bit of regret or remorse, no. He didn't even feel bad. He felt amazing, blissful even.

"Could you show me the pictures?" Was all Mirio said in response.

Tamaki pulled out his phone, opening it, and finding a specific section, handing it to Mirio.

Mirio was silent, doing nothing but staring at the pictures, and swiping through each one after look at them for a minute or so.

Goodness, you were stunning. It honestly felt like you were so bright. Like you were just radiating beauty and light wherever you went. He couldn't wait to make you his. His little ray of sunshine.

"S-so, what do you think? About what I'm doing?" Tamaki questioned while Mirio returned his phone.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it's hurting anyone, but the following is a bit of a problem. You're doing it in a way she can catch you! If you want to stalk her, you have to keep a distance, and all you have to do is find a specific location she goes to. But you have to be very careful!" Mirio explained.

Tamaki was a bit taken aback by what his friend had told him. So he didn't mind all of his actions? They were all okay? It was strange how open he was to this.

"We could find where (y/n) lives and look around if you would like." He offered.

The small sane and rational part of Tamaki that still somehow existed felt like this was going too far. But the idea of going into your house and looking around in your room was just too tempting. A fantasy of him lying on your bed, feeling how your sheets would be and smelling the nice clean smell that was mixed with your perfume, god...it had him immediately on board with the idea.

"Yes, I would love that. Anyways, what was the plan you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh right. Well, if we both want to keep (y/n) as ours, we have to do it right." He slapped his fist against the palm of his hand, a look of determination on his face. "We have to gain her trust first. Then, we got to get closer, closer than anyone else is with her. She'll trust and care for us more than she does with anybody and boom! She's fallen for us."

"Are you sure that will work? It seems kind of simple for making someone fall in love with us." Tamaki murmured, some hesitance in his voice.

"Oh, it's not going to be that easy. I just put it into simple terms. It's actually going to be very hard! But, don't worry, I know we can do it." Mirio said with a hopeful grin.

Tamaki slumped back in his seat, wincing at Mirio's words. Of course, this was going to be difficult. He didn't know how long he was going to wait and the need to be with you was growing stronger every day.

But, for you, he would wait as long as he needed to. Anything for you.


The walk back home after picking your little sister up was very quiet, like usual. You managed to make it back, despite the pain of your now swollen and twisted ankle.

Since your father was working overseas and your mother was usually absent, sleeping during the day and working the night shift after, it left you to be the one that was usually responsible for Eri. A lot of the time, you would have to get a babysitter and on some days, you needed to bring her in with you to work.

Eri was usually quiet. Because of some bad health conditions she was born with, Eri had to spend the first couple of years of her life in the hospital. She didn't even leave until somewhere close to a year ago. And thanks to that, she was very antisocial and struggled with making friends.

You went through the typical rounds of questions while she gave you the same answers.

"How was your day?"

"It was good."

"Did you make any new friends?"

"Not really."

You went quiet for a bit, soon finding something else to talk about "You're birthday's coming up soon, do you want to invite anyone for your party?"

She looked up at you, shaking her head.

"Just you and me then, huh?" The little girl smiled at the idea. Eri always did like spending time with you. And you had the best relationship with out of the rest of your family.

It was always just you and Eri. And you were fine with that.

Just you and Eri, against the world.

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