Carcharo the Scorchin vs. Daniel the Green Ranger! Secrets of the Green Dinogem?

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    "You're joking!" I said, looking at Mason. "The Zeo Crystal? How do you know?"

    "Melhorn studied every power source known to have created Ranger powers. Everything he learns, I learn. Same brain thing." Mason cleared his throat. "But I know what the Zeo Crystal looks like, and the type of power it emanates when it has been activated."

    "Wait. The Dinogems came from space. Does that mean the material used to create the Zeo Crystal also came from space?"

    Mason nodded. "It would appear that way. There's something else about the Gem, though. The Zeo Crystal was essentially a perpetual energy generator, meaning that over time, the Crystal could become stronger. Mixed with the Mineral Components of the Dino Gem, it accelerates the Energy Generation tenfold, but if my theory is correct, it will come at a cost."

    I looked at Daniel as his power seemed to fluctuate between normal and abnormally strong. "What kind of cost?"

    "How does the saying go?" Mason swallowed. "What goes up, must come down."

    Daniel clenched his fists. "Come on, Carcharo. Let's finish what we started."

    "Just because you're in Spandex now doesn't mean you can beat me, Green Ranger," Carcharo growled.

    Daniel waved his hand in front of his belt buckle, a hammer handle appearing in his hand. "I'd beg to differ. Mosa-Hammer, Hiyah!"

    Carcharo leaned back and shot forward quickly, lava spewing from his mouths. Daniel spun the hammer in his fingers and swung across, knocking the balls of fire away, creating an awesome explosion behind him.

    "How did you do that?" Carcharo exclaimed angrily.

    "I am powered by the Mosasaurus, the dinosaur of the water! Your fire has no effect on me!" Daniel shouted.

    Carcharo growled. "Then we shall do this the hard way." He raised his fists in a fighting stance.

    Daniel clenched his fists and let out a shout. "Mosa-power, Level 2!"

    Suddenly, his suit changed. There was less black and more gold, indicating his change in power. His sudden charge washed over me like a  heat-wave, and I could tell Mason felt it too. The area was now hot, almost unbearably.

    Daniel rushed forward, landing the first punch across the cheek of Carcharo's middle head. Carcharo staggered back, then launched forward. He swung his arms, but Daniel either dodged them or blocked them. He landed a few hits without missing a single beat.

    Carcharo roared and jumped back, blasting energy from his hands. Daniel jumped back and swung his arms, the energy bouncing off them and into his hands, letting him spin around and launch them back at him, blasting Carcharo back in a flurry of sparks and fire.

    "This can't be happening!" Carcharo howled in pain, pushing himself to his feet. One of his heads had an eye shut like it was wounded. "I refuse to believe it!"

    "Well, believe it! You mess with my friends, and this is what you get!"

    Daniel spun his hands, water appearing from his fingertips and forming a ball. It grew bigger and bigger, but Daniel lost control and was forced to throw it. Carcharo narrowly escaped, his leg sizzling as it was just caught by the ball of water. He let out a guttural scream as he fell, holding his scaly leg.

    "Had enough?" Daniel asked sarcastically.

    "Never!" Carcharo growled and stood up. The fighting continued and blow for blow, these two were evenly matched. Their moves were almost faster than the eye could see.

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