Melhorn - Part 1

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    I wasn't sure how long it had been. Maybe a few years since I had thought about it. Maybe today was different, because everything slammed me all at once.

    "Carcharo, where are you?"

    I staggered with a hand over my chest down the hall. Everything felt blurry around me. I took a few more steps, grabbing onto the shelf as tightly as I could. I grabbed too far up on my final step, swiping down an arm full of jars as I fell, my knees hitting the stone floor roughly. I grabbed my head with my other hand, eyes fading in and out of focus. I fought it in every way I could, but it eventually washed over me. My body collapsed and everything faded to black.

    My name is Melhorn. But it wasn't always.

February 2002

Downtown Reefside

    "And stay out, you bum!"

    I landed on my chest as the manager threw me out, my hands scraping the hard concrete. I knew they were bleeding, but I was trying to focus on catching my breath.

    My name was Mason, and my life was falling apart around me.

    29 and happy, I thought life would be perfect from then on. Until it wasn't. My wife had left me, and I didn't know why until I had come home one day, a man that I didn't recognize laying in our bed. He was some kind of lawyer I guess, with more money than God. It was like a flash. They had tried to pinned some crime against me, the divorce was finalized, my job had let me go because of the allegation, and my attorney and took every penny that I had left. At least I wasn't in jail, although at least there was food in jail. All I had left was a dirty spot on a sidewalk, some pocket change and whatever food people would be kind enough to give me. It wasn't much, though.

    I had hoped the bar would take pity on me for the night, but after I sat there for an hour in the back corner without ordering anything, the manager came back to me, grabbed me up by the back of the shirt and threw my butt in the cold.

    I wandered back to my little spot and sat down, pulling up my blanket over me and sighing. At least it was dark, I could sleep with little worry about the sun keeping me awake.

    I watched as people walked past me, barely peeking their pitying glances at me. That was how it always was. Except tonight was different.

    A girl walked by me, she couldn't have been more than 13. She stopped when she saw me, the barely older looking woman continuing down the street. It scared me when people stopped, because they usually were about to throw things, but sometimes they would stop to leave change too, so I stayed hopeful as I sat up.

    "Hi, mister." She said as she stopped in front of me. "What's your name?"

    "Mason." I said quietly. "What about you?"

    "Aubrey." She said simply. "What happened to you? People usually only walk or sit here when something bad happened to them."

    I debated telling her the truth, but it flowed out anyways. "My wife turned out to be someone I don't recognize anymore."

    "I'm sorry. That must be sad." She said.

    "What about you?" I asked. "You're walking here, so what bad thing happened to you?"

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