Dino Powers Form: Part 2

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    Trent had me backed against the pillar, a hand next to my head and he was glaring at us in turns. "Which one of you are going to make excuses first?"

    Lisa looked like she was going to crack off with a white lie, but I shook my head and spoke first to protect her. "None of us. We all know what we heard and we don't plan to lie about it."

    Trent looked at me and tilted his head. "Not the answer I was expecting, but okay." He dropped his hand and stood up straight. "My name is Trent. What you heard was true. We are former Power Rangers and something is attacking the city."

    "Former? As in you aren't anymore?" Andre asked first.

    "That's right. We can't get our power source to work." He seemed frustrated. "We may need to find new people to take our place."

    "Like who? Is there like Power Ranger tryouts?" Andre said sarcastically.

    Trent looked at us for a moment, staring at each of us in turn with his intense gaze, then dug around in his pocket. He dug out a bag that sounded like it was filled with rocks, and he opened up the drawstring. He pulled out three gems. "If these Dino Gems bond to you, you're chosen."

    Chosen? They're just rocks, how can they choose anything?

    Andre snatched up a blue one. "Wow, a rock." He popped off sarcastically. Suddenly, the blue gem in his hand burst into light and he nearly dropped it. "W-wow, what just happened?"

    Trent seemed intrigued. He looked at Lisa next. "Here. Take one."

    She looked at Trent nervously as she picked up the yellow gem. It burst into gentle yellow light and she stared at it in astonishment. "Wow..."

    Trent looked at me last and smiled. "You're up."

    I looked at him weirdly. I picked up the final rock, the red one, and it burst into fiery light. "What the...?"

    "Well, congratulations. You are now rangers."

    "W-wait wait, what?! We're Power Rangers, just like that?" Lisa asked.

    Trent nodded. "Amazing, huh?"

    "Crazy sounds more like it," I said, scratching my head as I stared at the red gem in my hand. "Do all Rangers get powers from rocks?"

    "You'll learn later. For now, we need to get you guys to the battleground. The others have your morphers."

    "Battleground?" Lisa gulped.

    "Morphers?" I asked.

    Lisa, after calming herself, answered my question for me. "Morphers are what give Rangers their colorful suits and powers."

    Andre laughed. "You really are a nerd for this kind of thing."

    "My head hurts from all this information." I groaned.

    "Let's get a move on," Trent said before looking at me. "Aubrey, from now on your the leader of this group."

    "Wait, what?! I didn't agree to that." I said defensively.

    "Yeah, how come she gets to be the leader?" Andre grumbled.

     "The Gem thinks that you have some kind of leadership quality in you, it wouldn't have chosen you otherwise," Trent seemed confident in his way of thinking. I finally gave up and nodded.

    "I'll give you guys a lift up to the main city district. There's a group of freaks loose in the main park, and that's where you three will come in." He looked at us, seeing how overwhelmed we suddenly were. He sighed. "I know this is sudden and hard to explain, but trust me as a former protector of the earth. This is all happening for a good reason."

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