Confessions of an Author - #1

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So here we are. As you can probably tell, we are nearing the end of the story. If I'm being honest, I have mixed feelings about it.

A part of me thought that this story would go on forever, that I would never stop writing about the adventures of Aubrey and her team, working hard to defeat Melhorn and his band of freaks. Another part of me thought that I might never finish this story. I worked hard to stay motivated, and I sometimes fell short of that. The worst part of me dreaded that these final chapters would come.

I never wanted this to end, and I still don't. But I've been taught, through Power Rangers actually, that all good things must come to an end, but not all of that good is gone. I spent so much time pouring pages and pages worth of theories and story line into this story, some of which never saw the light of day. I love this story with all of my heart, and the day that I mark this story as Completed will be the day my heart breaks for it.

I'd like to continue on by saying thank you to all of the people that have been here since the beginning and that have stuck with me through the end. I hope you enjoy the last chapters as they come out over the next few weeks. It means the world to me that I could make a few people smile with my work. You all drove me to keep updating and working on this story, so once again, thank you for everything.

Lastly, I'd like to say this one last thing; our rangers stories are far from over, but their stories may never get to be told. Some things are best left up to the imagination.

Thank you everybody for being awesome, and may the Power protect you, always.

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