Animal Spirit - Part 2

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"Put your foot a little more forward." Casey touched my thigh gently, making me blush. "More balance."

"Right..." I cleared my throat.

It had been about a week, and tomorrow was opening day. Inspections went great, everything had been cleaned and painted and we were ready to open. But it was like any other day today. Lots and lots of training. I felt like I had gotten much stronger, but when I encouraged the others to come join me, they all had prior commitments.

Casey pulled me from my thoughts as he put his hands on my sides. "Keep your core tight."

I shifted uncomfortably and shook out my body. "I've got it." I cleared my throat. "I'm ready."

"You're sure? This fight won't be easy."

I laughed. "Of course it won't be easy, but that's what makes it fun."

Casey chuckled in response, turning his head as the opening and closing of a door signified our company.

"I-I brought you guys something to drink." Daniel set down some partially frozen bottles of water on the table. As he looked up and locked eyes with me, he froze and nearly fell down the stairs. "I-I gotta go! Enjoy your training!"

He ran out the door quickly and was gone as quickly as he had arrived. This wasn't the first time he had seen me and ran this week.

"You're sure you didn't do anything to him?" Casey chuckled.

"I know I didn't." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I should go talk to him?"

He shook his head. "Nah. It might actually make it worse. Come on, I want to see you finally unleash your animal spirit."

Casey and I walked to opposite ends of the matt and faced each other. He brought his left hand back and right hand forward, his fingers curled like claws. His knees were bent, and his stare was intense. I felt like I could almost see a large tiger, standing behind him and ready to pounce at me. It was intimidating, but I couldn't stand down.

I lowered myself and flattened my hands, like sharp knives that I could jab with. I pulled my right arm to my side, and my left arm in front of me, almost like I was using a wing to protect myself. I felt like I would take flight at any times, my stance giving me the straight to stand up against this temporary foe.

Casey's eyes trailed behind me, and I wondered if he could see my spirit already. I had to hope that it would be there for me when I needed it today.

Suddenly he lunged forward, throwing a punch that I pushed and blocked just before it could graze my cheek. I landed a punch in the stomach but Casey quickly grabbed and twisted my arm. I backflipped and swept my leg down just as I landed, sending him to the floor as he released my hand. He rolled away before I could land a punch and was on his feet. I flipped onto my hands and kicked him in the chest. I landed back on my feet just as his foot crashed into my chest. I caught it but I could feel the air in my lungs almost leave. I pushed his leg up, making him flip back onto his hands, then feet.

Suddenly, his stance changed as he was back on his feet, and his eyes glowed red. "Calling on the spirit of the tiger! Grrrraaahh!"

His hands spun as red light glowed from his fingers, and the tiger that I had seen before was now full force in front of me. It stared down at me and roared, its body in a majestic stance.

I took a deep breath. "I've got this... calling on my animal spirit..." I brought my arms up like I was opening my wings, orange light filling my hands. I spun my hands around and the light left my hands, shooting toward the tiger in front of me. I was amazed by what was in front of me.

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