Sometimes it is Black and White: Part 3

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    Other than Tyrannozord, all the other zords had just minor scratches that the Rangers quickly buffed out. It filled me with both happiness and jealousy to see the Rangers bonding with the zords. Ethan, Trent and I worked well into the night to finish our share of the repairs.

    I sat next to Tyrannozord, stroking its head while we waited for Nathan to come back downstairs. He didn't pull away, but I know he wanted to be somewhere else.

    "Do you want me to leave you alone?" I asked.

    He opened his green eyes and groaned at me. I guessed that his answer was no since I couldn't understand him like I used to be able to, so I kept rubbing my hand up and down his snout. He closed his eyes and bumped his head on me, grunting another sound.

    "I wish I could understand you still. Then again, a part of me doesn't want to know what you have to say. I'm sure you're still angry at me for what I did."

    He lifted his head and opened his eyes, looking at me. He gave his head a shake and gave me a huff.

    "You aren't angry at me anymore?"

    Tyrannozord blinked and pressed his nose into my chest, making me smile as I wrapped my arms around his muzzle. He gave me a soft roar in response, which made me smile.

    I heard steps behind me and turned to see Nathan standing there. Tyrannozord noticed right after me and roared happily, carefully getting on his feet as I let him go. He bumped Nathan with his nose and grunted as Nathan chuckled.

    Nathan rubbed his hand up and down his muzzle as he smiled at me. "He says thank you, Aubrey."

    I smiled and nodded. "Anything for a friend."

    Nathan wasted no time in walking away with Tyrannozord, bumping him playfully. I felt pain in my chest as I went to check on Cephalozord, who was happily curled up with Parasaurzord. They roared back and forth as I made my way over to them, rubbing their snouts gently. It seems like everybody here had somebody. I felt alone.

    "Alone?" I heard a deep echo.

    I looked behind me. "Hello?" I turned around. "Is somebody there?"

    "I know how it feels to be alone. I've been very lonely for a long time." The voice spoke again.

    "Who's there?"

    "You've done something dreadful, haven't you?"

    I swallowed. "Yes, I hurt my friends under Melhorn's power."

    "I, too, have hurt my friends. It was out of my control and out of his control."

    "Who are you?"

    I heard a chuckle. "You will know soon, but only if you are brave enough to seek me out."

    Who was this? Could I trust them? Should I tell the Rangers?

    "Where will I find you?"

    "Far east, there is a waterfall. A rocky path leads behind the waterfall; you will find me there along with a friend of mine. You have already met them."

    "Will you at least tell me what you want?"

    "I want nothing more than to meet the girl who's guilt called out to me loud enough to wake me."

    "My guilt? What do you mean?"

    The voice was silent once more, and I stood there, clutching my chest. "Who are you?"

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