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    "Aubrey, I'm not sure that I can accept this. I mean, being a Power Ranger?" Nathan looked exasperated at what I just handed him. He continuously turned the Gem in his hand, anxiously staring at me.

    "The Gem chose you, it obviously thinks that you have something that I no longer have." I unsnapped the morpher from my wrist, putting it on his. He looked up at me, but I only smiled. "My friends need a leader. Give them what I no longer can give them."

    He looked at Andre and Lisa, I could see the gears turning in his head. Nathan looked at Andre first. "Andre?" Andre gave him a brief nod, then he turned his head to look at Lisa next. "Lisa?" She also nodded.

    He cracked a smile. "I thought it was weird how you three went from barely noticing each other to becoming best friends."

    "The team is a family. We bicker occasionally, but we are always there for each other in the end." I said as I grabbed Lisa and Andre's hands. "Even though I'm leaving, they'll always be here for me. As will I for them, and you as well."

    Nathan took a deep breath as he looked at the Dino Gem again. "So, what do I do?"

    "Put the gem into the bracelet, right into this slot."

    He nodded and slipped the gem into the slot.

    "Try morphing!" Andre said excitedly.


    I smiled. "All you have to say is 'Dino Fury, Go,' and you'll instantly be transformed."

    He looked at me. "Are you really sure that I'm the right person for the job?"

    "It's not up to me, it's up to your Gem. It has clearly chosen you."

    Finally, he gathered up his confidence and looked at me. "Alright, here goes nothing." He clicked the morpher and raised his arm to the sky. "Dino Fury, GO!"

    He didn't instantly morph, but instead, red light shimmered from my arms. I finally felt the power that I had clung to for so long leave my body, and he seemed to absorb every bit of life that left mine. I felt like my old self again.

    As the air cleared, Nathan's suit appeared around him. Finally, he was a ranger, and he seemed to be in absolute shock. "Wow, this is tight!"

    That's when I noticed it. The pain in my body was gone. I covered my mouth as I put weight on my left leg, feeling nothing but the ground underneath my foot. "I... I'm back to normal... Guys!" I turned to Andre and Lisa, wrapping my arms around their necks. They gave me a bittersweet chuckle as they wrapped their suited arms around my body, holding me tightly.

    Lisa pulled away from the hug first. "Does that mean that the crack in the gem is gone?"

    I turned back around, taking Nathan's left arm. The morpher shifted from the Tyranno head to the gem, and Lisa was right. The crack in the gem was gone. Ethan was right. This was the only way I could've healed myself and the gem.

    "Power Down." Andre and Lisa said, and their suits disappeared.

    "Uh, Power Down," Nathan said next, and his suit disappeared as well. "Wow, that is whack."

    "Hey, you four!"

    The four of us turned as Dr. O came up to us, looking between each of us. "Are you guys alright?"

    "We're fine, Dr. O. We took care of Bugby," Lisa said.

    "Wait, he knows?" Nathan stepped forward.

Power Rangers Dino Fury [A Dino Thunder Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now