Her Last Battle

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    A few days passed, and it only felt like I was getting worse. Ethan was always with me, and I switched between wearing three blankets and running around in my swimsuit. Not only that, but I suddenly came down with a nasty cold that just didn't want to go away.

    Trent only wanted to take care of me, but almost every time that he came near me, I glared him down or pushed him away. The only time I gave him the time of day was when he brought me clothes, food or news from my sister. I was sick of being stuck here, especially with him always trying to talk to me. Couldn't he see I wanted nothing to do with him?

    The moment I dreaded most was upon me, though. Melhorn had dropped a monster in the city, so Lisa and Andre left to deal with that. Coach had to take care of practice, and Ethan was finishing up with the school day. It was just me, Trent and the computer tracking the rangers as they fought a strange frog monster.

    Clicking away on the keyboard, I ran diagnostics on all of the auxiliary zords just like Ethan showed me. They were all ready to go, just in case the frog decided to go large.

    Trent watched over my shoulder, brushing against me from time to time. His attempt at being close to me amused me more than it irritated me for some reason, but I decided to put a stop to it anyways.

    I looked up at him, hiding my smirk. "Do you mind?"

    He instantly backed off, clearing his throat. "I'm sorry."

    Clearing my throat as well, I turned back to the computer. Lisa and Andre were holding their own decently well. After sneezing a few times, I got a call from them.

    "Aubrey, we need the zords." Lisa said.

    "We need the Pterazord, Tricerazord, Parasaurzord, and the Cephalozord," Andre said next.

    "Got it. Standby for the Brachiozord." I clicked the big button on the keyboard and sat back in the chair. My body suddenly froze and I wrapped my arms around myself.

    I felt my layers of blankets being laid over my shoulders, and I looked up at Trent as he wrapped them around me. I wanted to pull away from him, but I couldn't. Something held me there. He didn't dare say a word or touch me in any way other than with the blanket. He was respecting the boundary I had put between us. I was starting to feel lonely.

    "Thank you," I said quietly as I looked up at him, and he seemed surprised. I just realized I hadn't thanked him for any of the little things that he had done, despite my hostility. I had no intention of letting things go back to the way they were before, but I didn't have to keep making him think I hated him.

    He cleared his throat and looked away. "Aubrey, I know it's easier said than done but, I hope you can forgive me someday. I keep testing the waters whenever I'm with you and seeing if you'll let me in again but I don't blame you for pushing me away. It was selfish of me to force that on you, and now you're miserable because of it." He stood up straight, letting go of the blankets. "I know I have a lot to make up for, and it'll take time, just please tell me you don't hate me. I'm begging you."

    I could see it. He wanted to touch me, be close to me, but he wanted to respect the wall I built. I suddenly regretted building this wall in the first place.

    "Trent, I don't hate you." I finally said as silence had passed between us for what felt like hours. "It'd be impossible for me. Yes, you broke your promise to me. But you only did it because you cared about me and the other rangers." I felt a sneeze coming on, and I tucked my nose in my elbow as I let out a little squeak. He smirked but I ignored it.

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