Murky Green Water

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    "And this is one of the places we keep an eye on things, as well as the lab the Dino Fury Rangers use." Casey said, showing Daniel into a smaller room where an abnormal amount of TVs were just sitting on top of one another.

    "And let me guess, you want me to keep an eye on the one over here?" Daniel asked.

    "Precisely." RJ said, strolling in. "A team of Power Rangers is only as good as the support that stands behind it."

    "Exactly. We're just lucky we got you when we did." Casey chuckled.

    Rj cleared his throat. "Anyways, I need you three downstairs and ready in five. The store opens in fifteen and I want to make sure that everything is ready to go. No running out of cheese during the lunch rush again!" He laughed to himself, but then his face turned in discomfort. Apparently that was both a funny and painful memory.

    "We're on it, Rj." I chuckled, and his face instantly turned to relief.

    We hurried downstairs, throwing our work shirts and aprons on as quickly as we could, and stopped at the counter. Outside the store was packed with people, all pushing and showing to be the first ones in. I caught Daniel's face, and it probably looked as freaked out as mine.

    "You good?" He asked.

    "Saving the world from Dinosaur monsters? Easy. Dealing with angry or hungry customers? Absolutely freakin' terrifying."


    "Thanks for coming!" Casey called out the door before shutting and locking in. As he turned around, his face shifted from relief to "oh my God, this place is a mess."

    I was on a barstool leaned up against the wall, staring at the place. It was unfortunately filthy, and the kitchen wasn't much better. Daniel was laying on the floor, barely functioning.

    "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Casey huffed. "You two are weaklings."

    "I think they did rather well for two fresh pizza puppies." Rj elaborated. "How about we have some Vegan Cheese and Sausage pizza?"

    I jumped up. "Please, I'm starving! And you always have the best vegan sausage."

    Rj whipped up and delivered our pizza to the only table we actually felt like cleaning off. I had quite literally dragged Daniel out of the kitchen, and he was covered in dough bits and cornflour.

    I instantly tore into the pizza as he set it down, ignoring the slight burn of my fingers from the hot pizza in my hand. I was so happy to eat again, even if it was burning my throat on the way down.

    "Talk about a couple of wild animals..." RJ seemed disturbed as Daniel and I became savage. "I'll... make another."

    Daniel finished first, but he didn't get up and leave to go home instantly. He looked at me. "Hey, Aubrey. Can I ask you something?"

    "Sure." I said, swallowing another bite.

    He looked over at Casey and Rj, who had started cleaning up, and then back at me. He fished something out of his pocket and held it out to me. It was a green gem, and it sparkled as it got closer to my morpher.

    "Just as I thought." He smirked.

    I finally realized what it was. "A Dinogem! How did you get this? How long have you had this?"

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