Dino Powers Form: Part 3

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    "So let me get this straight," Andre looked at Dr. Oliver. "You've been a Power Ranger five times?"

    I only heard a few things that they were talking about. I found that looking around the lab was far more interesting than Power Rangers history, how the gems were created or even why the enemy had returned. There was so much unique technology in the Dino lab, and I even found shelves full of fossilized dinosaur bones that Dr. Oliver had dug up and studied.

    "Amazing, huh?" Trent said as he strolled up beside me.

    "It seems like your specialty is understatements," I replied as I turned to look at him.

    "My bad." He looked at me. "Why were you in detention? You don't seem like a slacker or troublemaker."

    "That's because I'm not." I adjusted my jean jacket and cleared my throat. "I can fight off 100 Tyrannodrones, but I can't handle a bully. Mr. James gave me a place to hide after school since they can't expel him until he actually hits me."

    "That explains your lack of confidence."

    "What do you mean?" I asked.

    "You don't think you can be a good leader because you can't even deal with a small issue in your personal life." Ouch. Right on the head of the nail.

    "Wow, you don't pull punches." I looked at the floor. "You're probably right."

    He smiled at me kindly, like he was trying to keep me from feeling guilty over something I honestly couldn't control. "Don't worry. We can work on that."

    "You really think so?" I looked up at him. "I wouldn't want to ask that of you."

    "My father just happens to be in a close contact relationship with Principal Randall. If I asked her a favor, she could probably pull a few strings to figure something out."

    "Wait, does Principal Randall know about all of you being Power Rangers?" I was curious now.

    "Yes, but for a specific reason that really has no significance anymore." He continued walking around the room. I followed behind him quickly. "Dino Thunder Rangers were different back then. We had lots of secrets and lots of things we didn't understand. Now, we can usually figure out something by looking at the past."

    "Like who Melhorn is?" I asked

    "My father should know who he is, and where he came from."

    "How come your father knows so much about this?" I stopped where I was.

    He slowed and looked at me as if he was about to tell me something embarrassing. "Do you remember who Mesogog is?"

    "Yeah, he was on the news after the Power Rangers- I mean, you guys, destroyed him for good. Why?"

    "My father created Mesogog by accident during an experiment, and became Mesogog at some times." He covered his face.

    "He shared a mind with a villain?" I was intrigued by this.

    "For a long time, yes. Mesogog separated himself from my dad before he launched his final plan of destruction." I could tell that something about this memory left a sour taste in his mouth.

    "So he may have some idea about Melhorn because Mesogog may have created him as well?"

    Trent nodded. "Exactly."

    "That makes a whole lot more sense now." I looked to my right. On one of the shelves sat a strange egg. "Is this... a dinosaur egg?" I asked as I carefully picked it up.

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