Missing Black - Part 3

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    "This is the place..." I said under my breath. Amazon Warehouse 4. This is the place Stegazord told me that Nathan and the others wanted to meet. I morphed before I got here, just in case they saw me and got suspicious. Drago stayed with me this time.

    "Are you feeling confident enough to tell them yet?" He said quietly as we waited.

    "No..." I shook my head. "I've only been in one battle with them. I need more practice."

    "You seem to forget that they are your friends. They would be happy for your successes."

    I looked at the ground. "I know that... but I want to make sure they don't worry that I'll fail them again."

    Drago looked like he wanted to say more, but he just smiled understandably and nodded.

    "There she is!" I heard Nathan call, as I turned, my heart almost stopped.

    Trent and Ethan were with the group as they ran our way. It was moments like these that made me glad my voice was distorted. Trent would have recognized me instantly.

    "You came." Nathan said, walking up to me first.

    "Stegazord told me it was urgent." I said simply. "What's happening? And who are the other two people with you? Are they also rangers?"

    "We used to be." Trent started. "I'm Trent Fernandez, former White Ranger, and this is Ethan James, former Blue Ranger." He looked up at Drago next to me. "How are you, old friend?"

    Drago padded over and dipped his head down to Trent, who rubbed his nose happily.

    "Tell him I'm doing well, please." Drago asked quietly.

    "He said to tell you he's doing well." I said, unable to suppress the smile behind my helmet as they reunited.

    "White Ranger, we need your help." Nathan began. "Melhorn has captured  two civilians, and he's asked for the Dinogems in exchange for their lives."

    I crossed my arms. "Are you asking me to give up my Dinogem?"

    Nathan shook his head. "No, but we have a plan. If all four of us go, he'll let us in and we can take the fight to him."

    "Sounds like a good plan. But he's smart. What if he expects us to come in, blasters blazing?"

    "We just have to hope our blasters our stronger than whatever he has planned. Will you help us?" Lisa asked. All three of them looked at me hopefully.

    I nodded. "Like I said before, this place is my home, too. I'll fight for it along with the people here."

    Andre finally cracked a smile. "Alright. Guess you aren't so bad after all. My name's Andre. This is Lisa."

    He introduced Lisa to me, who responded confidently. "Nice to meet you." She really had changed over these past few months as a ranger.

    "Pleasure is all mine." I looked back at Nathan. "What's the plan?"

    "Melhorn will open an invisiportal for us tomorrow at 10 o'clock by the old quarry. We meet there, morphed and ready to go, and take on whatever he has planned."

    The thought of seeing Melhorn again made me want to break something. Mainly his face. After what he did to me and my friends, I could think of no greater revenge than destroying him.

    "Old quarry at 10. I'll meet you there."

    Drago and Trent said their farewells, a rather emotional scene with Trent wrapping his arms around Drago's neck, and then we all went our separate ways. I climbed up on the nose of Drago and we flew back to the cave. He seemed rather emotional, so I did my best to comfort him by rubbing between his eyes.

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