A New Spark

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    "Over time, we will be phasing out the mentors," Ethan said as he sat down at the computer.

    "You mean you guys are leaving the team?" Lisa said, hiding the sadness from her voice as best as she could.

    "Well, it's harder to help you guys since we're adults with jobs of our own. I'm in a crunch with grades. Even though Principal Randall is pretty understanding, the board of education is riding me like a hawk." He put his hands on his hips. "It's the same thing with Conner. Club is starting and he still has work to do with his non-profit soccer teams."

    "I'm the only one left with free time. I'm ahead on all of my deadlines since you let me move my office to your house temporarily." Trent said as he looked at me.

    "You really only need one mentor. Trent seems to be able to manage his time much better than us, and with you as team coordinator, you'll all be perfectly fine once we are phased out. Conner and I agreed that I would be phased out first."

    "Are you sure we'll be ready?" I asked.

    "Once I get you trained up on all the mechanics of the lab, you'll all be perfectly fine. I'm sure of it. And if two other rangers come and take on the power of the Dino Gems, you all have the capability to train and inform them on their roles and duties, just like you all just did with Nathan."

    "I sure hope you're right."

    "I am right. Now, let's get you trained up. No time to lose."


    A couple of days passed. Nathan was a complete natural at his training, and with the combined effort of me and Trent, we were able to get him battle-ready in no time.

    "Hiyah!" I cried out as I flipped back into a handspring and back to my feet. Nathan chased me down, forcing me to put up my defense. Punch, block, punch, block. "Ha, ha, hiyah!" I caught his fists, turning them up and out. I drop-kicked him in the chest, sending him onto his back. I stood up from my kick, running on him while his defense was still down. In a jump spin kick, I brought my foot across his shoulder, watching him spin around and hit the grassy, leaf-covered ground with a thud.

    "Calling it." Trent stepped in, putting an arm in front of me. "Aubrey, you kicked his butt."

    I chuckled and reached out to Nathan, pulling him to his feet.

    "Man, where'd you learn to fight like that?" Nathan chuckled as he patted my shoulder.

    "I learned from the best." I looked at Trent. "Feels nice to be able to just practice again."

    "Sucks that you had to stop, you're obviously amazing at it." Nathan smiled.


    Trent turned over his watch. "Alright guys, I appreciate you getting up before school to train. I have a meeting with my editor tonight."

    "We understand. I should be able to handle Nathan's solo training from now on, anyways. Just worry about the group training from now on."

    He nodded. "I appreciate that, but you have training on your own you also have to worry about."

    I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. Ethan says that there are only a few things left for me to learn before he sets me loose."

    Nathan grabbed our school bags from beside a tree. "If we don't get going soon, Mrs. Jenkins will be putting us in detention."

    "Right," I said as he handed me my bag. I looked at Trent. "Good luck with your meeting, you coming by afterward?"

    "Yep, shouldn't be later than eight."

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