Andre's Moral

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    "Did you see the new Super Ninja Space Wars game is coming out tomorrow?" Andre said as we walked down the hallway.

    "Yes!" I cheered. "We doing a game party at your place for the launch?"

    "You know it." He laughed. "We should invite the others."

    Just as he said that, Alex came around the corner with Nathan. They were chatting up a storm until they saw us. Nathan nearly drooped his books in his arms as Alex pulled him over to see us.

    "Hey Alex!" I laughed. "Hey Nathan. What's up?"

    "Nathan has some exciting news!" Alex started. "Go on, tell them!"

    Nathan looked away shyly. "Come on, it's not that big of a deal."

    She rolled her eyes in response and looked at me. "Nathan got on the wrestling team!"

    "Congrats, man." I smacked his arm. "You'll do great."

    "Hey, if it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have been in shape enough to try out." He smiled. "Thanks for encouraging me to kick butt."

    "Of course!" I smiled. I looked next to me, where Andre seemed strangely aloof.

    "Oh, Andre is hosting a game party tomorrow for the new Super Ninja Space Wars game coming out. You guys wanna come?"

    Alex nodded quickly. "Yes! I love SNSW!"

    Nathan shook his head. "Nah, I have practice tomorrow, but thanks for the invite." He shrugged. "Video games aren't really my thing anyway, but I'll come next time."

    I shrugged. "No problem. When's your first match?"

    "After school. You gonna be there?"

    "You know it! Andre?" I looked over at him.

    "Uhm, nah. I don't really like wrestling. Plus, I gotta help Lisa with something." He still seemed off.

    "Hey, no problem. I know you would be there if you could." Nathan shrugged. "We gotta get to class. See you guys later!"

    Alex dragged Nathan away, waving behind her. It seemed like Alex had done a complete 180 with her personality. It was refreshing.

    "He's kinda weird." Andre said quietly.

    "Who, Nathan?" I asked.


    "Why do you say that?" I asked, pulling my books closer to my chest.

    He only shrugged and we kept walking.

    "Ya know, you and I both know that Lisa is gonna be out of town tonight. Why lie?" I looked at him.

    "Finding an excuse not to go." He shrugged. "Wrestling is weird. Bunch of sweaty dudes slapping against each other. And what guy doesn't like Video Games?"

    "You know, just because he doesn't like the same things you do doesn't mean he's weird. He doesn't think you're weird just because you like Video Games. Besides, it makes him happy. Doesn't that count for anything?"

    Andre shrugged. "I dunno. I still think he's weird."

    I sighed and stopped. "Andre, I'll tell you what. Come to tonight's game. You may not leave liking the sport, but you'll see how happy it makes Nathan, just like he knows how happy Video Games make you."

    Andre hesitated, then sighed. "Alright, I'll go. But I still think he's weird."

    I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to retort him when my communicator went off. I looked at Andre, who nodded and we exited the hallway into an empty room.

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