Recruiting Help

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    Tossing the Transportal Device to Andre, I hopped through the Portal quickly, feeling myself pulled through time and space. Everything was disorienting at first as everything stopped. My feet wobbled as I landed back on them, and I had to hope I wouldn't barf. Fighting off the Nausea, I looked up in front of me.

    A man with sandy hair turned to look at me. He was alone in the room we were in, sitting at a desk. As soon as he'd fully recognized me, he stood up and ran around the desk.

    "Aubrey?" Carter Grayson said and ran forward. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He and I had spoken a few times over text since the last time I'd seen him and, overall, he felt like a father figure to me. It was so good to see him again. But we didn't have time to catch up.

    "What's happening?" He asked quickly, grabbing my shoulders to look at me. "Wes wouldn't be happy if you just used the Transportal Device just to come and visit me."

    "Unfortunately, I came here on Ranger business."

    "What do you need?" Carter said, his face hardening with determination.

    I explained everything that Mason had said about Melhorn and his plan, and how things were different from before. Carter didn't seem to even bat an eye, taking in all of this information with a look of readiness.

    When I was finished, he cleared his throat and continued on with a couple of questions.

    "Where is he going to get the power for this?" Carter asked. "Last time this happened, Mesogog needed the Dinogems to even get close to the power he needed."

    "Mesogog is alive again, so maybe he gave Melhorn some ideas on how to deal with the energy issue."

    I thought about it for a moment, then something clicked in my head. "Isn't the Reefside Power Plant on the end of the coast, close to where Mesogog's lab used to be?"

    Carter grabbed a handheld device off of his desk and pointed it at a blank wall. Instantly, a map of California appeared on the wall. He pressed a button, and the map zoomed into Reefside.

    "This is the map we keep to watch all spots in the USA and beyond where villains have appeared on the radar. Melhorn's lab is on the same island where Mesogog's was, and here," He pointed at a building close to the coast. "is the Power Plant. That would explain the strange activity we've been detecting here recently. He's rallied the troops here and must have tested out that mind control device to keep the Power Plant Workers from alerting the authorities."

    Everything he said made sense, but we had to be sure. "Are the other Lightspeed Rangers here?" I asked.

    "No, but I can call them and have them meet us in Reefside. What's your plan?" He said quickly, running to a safe under the desk and popping it open. There was his morpher, waiting for him as he picked it up. I think he already knew my plan.

    "We contact our teams, and then head out to investigate. We can get a better idea on how to deal with this." I said.

    "Good plan, kiddo." He said, whipping out his phone and dialing a number. "Dana? Hey, it's Carter. Reefside is having a 911. Gather everybody you can, including other teams, and meet us at Tommy's house. I'm leaving the Transportal Device here in the office... okay, good luck. Thanks."

    I tapped on my morpher, and I heard Andre come over the com. "What's up, Aubrey?"

    "Carter and I are heading to do some Recon. Continue the plan as normal."

    "Will do. We're all heading to our next locations. Good luck. And Aubrey?" He said quickly.

    "Yeah?" I could heard the concern in his voice.

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