The Clue

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    "Miss Jones, your attendance is becoming an issue. I've tried to be understanding but there may need to be harder consequences."

    Sitting in Principal Randall's office was like sitting in a cage, but without the orange suits and the stone-cold walls.

    A few weeks had passed, and it was finally late January. I went to school two or three days a week, but I never stayed the full day and I avoided interacting with my teachers and classmates unless I had to. Mr. James seemed to be the most concerned about my lack of ambition, so I'm sure he asked Principal Randall to check on me.

    "I just have a lot going on, Principal Randall. My focus is on something that is more pressing at the moment."

    Principal Randall leaned in, lowering her voice. "Your teachers filled me in on your gem issue."

    I blinked. "You know about us? We weren't supposed to tell anyone."

    "They didn't. I was a general for Mesogog, and he made me do his bidding with some corrupt power and his ability to warp the mind." She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms.

    "That was unexpected." I exhaled and held my forehead.

    "Look, Miss Jones. I'm worried about you, and so is the rest of your team."

    "If you're suggesting I go back to my team, that's a big 'no'. I told them before, I have a duty to fix this on my own."

    "Here is what I'm suggesting. Come to school one more day a week, and stay for the whole day. I can cover for you from the school board if you at least come to class Monday-Thursday."

    "And I would gain what from that? Wasted time?" I pulled back my sleeve and showed her the gem. It was at least half covered in black streaks, and it made even Principal Randall blink in surprise. "I don't have much time, Principal Randall."

    She seemed like she was running out of options. She slipped off her glasses and cleared her throat. "I'll make you a deal, Miss Jones. Give me one week of full attendance and do some of your work that's due. If you show me you're willing to try, I'll tell you where to find a weapon that can break the evil energy encasing your gem."

    "So there is something that I can use to stop the spread." I sighed. "That's a huge relief. How do you know it can?"

    "A similar weapon was used to break the evil encoding on Trent's Dinogem. I'll only tell you if you can prove to me that you can work with a partial academic schedule. You're smart, Miss Jones. I hate to see that wasted."

    I sighed and looked at her. "You're twisting my arm a little... Alright. I'll do it. One week."

    Principal Randall held her hand out to me. I grabbed it and we shook on it, signifying this very big deal I had to uphold. Standing up, she walked to the door and opened up. As I stood up, something seemed to click and she looked at me again. "Oh, and one more thing." I raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled. "It's nothing big. Go to practice tonight, your coach is worried about you and he just wants to make sure that you're okay."

    "Can't you tell him I'm okay?"

    She shook her head. "No. Besides that, he says that he has a surprise for you if you come." I opened my mouth to ask what it was and she stopped me. "Like I said, surprise."

    I groaned and nodded. "Alright, but he better not waste my time."

    "I can assure you, you won't regret it."


    Practice had been simple that day, and I had hardly broken a sweat. Sitting down on the empty bench, I took off my cleats and stuffed them into my bag. I heard footsteps on the grass, and I looked up. Coach Mcknight was walking over to me, talking to some of my teammates on the way over to me.

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