The True Meaning of Being a Ranger

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    "I thought they had chosen us because we were the ones that could protect the world the best," Andre asked.

    "They did pick us, but only because they couldn't bond to our mentors." Lisa swallowed.

    Ethan had left us to discuss what we would do. "Each of you has a decision to make after learning about this." He said at the top of the stairs before he left. "I just hope you all make the right decision, but only make it because you want to."

    Those words bounced around in my head for quite some time. I wasn't ready to give up being a Ranger, but could I go on knowing that I wasn't truly meant to be my Dinogem's owner?

    "We don't even have any business being here," Alex said. "We were never meant to be the Dino Fury Rangers."

    "Don't say that!" Nathan said. "Don't ever say that, any of you."

    "But it's true," Lisa said. "How are we supposed to deny that fact?"

    "No, Nathan's right," I said. "I think we belong here."

    "How so? When we first started, even you didn't think we should have been rangers."

    I remembered the day that all of this started.

    "Get off me!" I screamed at Nathan as he held me against the wall. Once he was my greatest enemy, and now he was my best friend. Oh, how the times have changed.

    Mr. James had saved me from my bully and gave me a detention pass to save me from another fight with him. Except when I got there, I met Lisa, a nerdy girl with blonde hair, and Andre, a trouble maker with a bad attitude. If I had been told they would end up being some of my closest friends at the beginning of the school year, I would have told you that you were crazy.

    Then everything happened at once, and our teachers, Ethan James, and Dr. Tommy Oliver, suddenly left when the city was attacked. After we decided to follow them, we learned that along with Trent Fernandez, a comic book writer, my soccer coach Conner McKnight, and the popular singer and songwriter Kira Ford had all used to be there. All of them except for Kira had gathered outside the school, trying to think of a way to save the city. That's when Trent caught them eavesdropping and decided to take a chance, and the Dinogems chose them to become the new Dino Fury Power Rangers. We were all skeptical.

    "I'll admit, I wasn't sure if I was ready for such a big responsibility, especially since I had been chosen to be the leader of the team." I began. "But we all had our doubts at the beginning. Especially you, Lisa."

    I remembered Lisa freezing before we ran into our first battle, but I was able to talk her out of her scared trance, and she fought like a champion.

    "If you hadn't been there to tell me I could do this that day, I wouldn't be the Ranger I am today," Lisa said shyly.

    Andre cleared his throat. "I never had my doubts about myself, but I put all of my doubts on you about your ability to be our leader, Aubrey. That's not what a Power Ranger should do."

    That was our big fight, where Andre told me I had no business being the leader.

    "But you had been right; I wasn't a good leader. That's why the Dinogem rejected me."

    I was captured by Melhorn and turned evil, and once my friend had finally returned me to normal, the Gem cracked and began to injury me whenever I morphed.

    "That's when Nathan joined the team, and he was the leader you all needed."

    Nathan had apologized for all he had done to me, and we decided to become friends when we were attacked. I morphed in an attempt to protect him, but when he had shown fearlessness in the face of battle, I knew that he was the right choice to take my place as the leader, and my Gem seemed to agree.

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