The Shimmer - Prologue

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    Melhorn walked along the halls of his Fortress, looking up and down at the jars and specimens along the walls. He stopped at a particular jar, which seemed to contain bits and pieces of a monster that had since been destroyed.

    "Master, why is this specimen so important?" Carcharo growled next to him. "You can make a monster with better materials than this."

    Melhorn pursed his lips. "While that may be true, there is something significant about this one." He pulled back the glass and grabbed the jar carefully, examining the bits that floated around in it. "Just as you have a Master and creator, I had a Master and creator. Until he locked me away for proving to be stronger than him."

    Melhorn hastily walked towards the tube set-up for the Geno-Randomizer.

    "Are you going to bring him back?" Carcharo asked, following closely behind.

    "Yes, I am." Melhorn shuffled around in his suit jacket and pulled it out. It looked like a shock collar.

    "Carcharo, I need you to do me a favor. When this creature pops out of the Geno-Randomizer, put this on its neck."

    "Yes sir." Carcharo growled, taking the collar from him.

    Melhorn pulled down the lever and walked over to the exit tube, watching as smoke billowed around in the chamber. The chamber opened, the clouds leaking out into the lab. Step-by-step, a creature walked out, a monster who hadn't seen the light of day for over five years.

    Gray and red, dressed in a black robe with sickly yellow eyes, and adorned with large teeth jutting from its mouth. It looked like a hideously disgusting foe, worthy of taking on the Rangers.

    Carcharo rushed forward, wrapping the collar around the lizard-like monster's neck. It struggled and fought, but it was futile.

    "What is this!?" It hissed.

    "Ah." Melhorn stepped forward. "Mesogog. Back to the living after so long, if you could call it living."

    The creature called Mesogog lifted it's head, barring its teeth at Melhorn.

    "How long has it been since those Dino Rangers destroyed me?" Mesogog growled.

    "Five years, Mesogog. You owe your new life to me."

    "I OWE YOU NO SUCH TH- AGH!" Mesogog dropped to his knees as a surge of electricity traveled through his body, causing him to spasm.

    "Mesogog, you work for me now."

    Mesogog snarled, but dared not lash out again. He would have to plan his next moves much more carefully.

    "Have those Dino Rangers returned then?" He asked.

    "Yes, but they call themselves "Dino Fury" now. They have proven to be worthy foes, and that's why I have brought you back. To fight alongside me. The Era of the Dinosaur will still happen, if we plan our next moves carefully."

    Mesogog hissed. "I will agree to help, but on one condition..." He dragged the last word out.

    "And what would that be, Mesogog?" Melhorn asked curiously.

    "I want my revenge on those Dino Thunder Rangers that destroyed me before..."

    "Not a problem... the best part is, they are defenseless now... no powers in sight."

    "Perfect..." Mesogog hissed. "Watch out Rangers... your end is near."

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