The Crack

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    "Dr. O, what does this mean?" I asked him quietly. It was just me and him in the lab now, he didn't want me to be put under any more stress while I was recovering.

    Ethan said that he was the only person that would know anything about this since Dr. O is the one who found the Dinogems and harnessed their power for the morphers in the first place. If he couldn't figure out what the crack meant, nobody could.

    After staring at the gem for a while, he took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "I can't give you a definite answer, but I can give you a theory." He pulled up a file on the computer, and there stood a black ranger with the markings of an elephant. The picture switched to a guy with dark hair, dressed in black.

    "This is Adam. He was the second black ranger within the original team of power rangers. Adam controlled the Mastodon, Frog, Zeo Zord 4, and the Desert Thunder Turbozord in his time as a ranger. He was also a friend of mine." He cleared his throat, showing another photo. "This is the original morpher, the coin is what gave us our powers. After we lost our powers, the coins were damaged and, if used, could destroy the ranger who used it."

    "He used it while it was damaged, didn't he?" I asked.

    "I'm afraid so. Carlos, the black ranger from the In Space team, would've been destroyed if he hadn't used it though. It nearly destroyed Adam in the process, though. It caused permanent damage to his body, and he still struggles from time to time."

    "He survived?"

    Dr. O nodded. "He's lucky to have done so. While your powers aren't completely destroyed, it may not be safe for you to morph right now."

    I covered my mouth, realizing the truth of what he's telling me. "So what you're saying is, I'm basically done being a ranger."

    "Aubrey, I didn't say that."

    "You didn't have to. There's no way that you can fix my gem because the powers weren't created by you."

    "Here's what I am saying. Whatever that dark energy was that Melhorn implanted in your gem had a mind of its own. When Lisa pulled the energy from the gem, it basically self-destructed in order to cause as much damage to you and your gem as possible. I need to do a scan of your body as well as your gem. You're off ranger duty until further notice."

    "But Dr. O-"

    "Enough arguing. You will stay in the lab with someone at all times until your body and gem are healed. You should call your sister."

    With that, he stood up and walked to the other side of the lab. I suddenly felt my body become icy cold, and I wrapped my arms around my body. I felt a blanket draped over my shoulders, and Dr. O gave me a pat on the back. "Temperature regulation in your body is going haywire, isn't it?"

    "Now that you mention it, I was sweating buckets just a few minutes ago." I pulled the blanket around me more, shivering and chattering my teeth.

    "My point exactly. You're off duty until you're healed. Understood?"

    Reluctantly, I nodded. "Alright, I understand. But if it comes to the point where they need me, I will go help them whether it destroys me or not."

    "I suppose you'd have no choice at that point. We'll have to wait and see though. It may never happen."


    "Hold still, I can't get the scan if you squirm," Ethan said gently.

    I wasn't trying to move, I was shaking from the cold. "I'm trying, believe me," I said as I stood in front of the scanner bar.

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